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  The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A: Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1

The Art Of Computer Programming, Volume 4A: Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1

by Donald E. Knuth

  Price : Rs 725.00
  Your Price : Rs 594.50
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  n this long-awaited new Volume 4A of Don Knuth`s The Art of Computer Programming , the master turns his attention to some of his favorite topics in broadword computation and combinatorial generation (exhaustively listing fundamental combinatorial objects, such as permutations, partitions, and trees), as well as his more recent interests, such as binary decision diagrams. It encompasses revised and updated versions of the six most recent smaller books ("fascicles") he has written on these topics.

The hallmark qualities that distinguish his previous volumes are manifest here anew: detailed coverage of the basics, illustrated with well-chosen examples; occasional forays into more esoteric topics and problems at the research frontier; impeccable writing peppered with occasional bits of humor; extensive collections of exercises, all with solutions or helpful hints; a careful attention to history; and implementations of many algorithms in his classic step-by-step form.

There is an amazing amount of information on each page. Knuth has obviously thought long and hard about which topics and results are most central and important, and the most intuitive and succinct ways of presenting that material. Since the areas that he covers in this volume have exploded since he first envisioned writing about them, it is remarkable that he has been able to provide such thorough treatment in so few pages.


Pages : 912
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