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  Christian Law in India - Revision of Law of Matrimonial Causes

Christian Law In India - Revision Of Law Of Matrimonial Causes

by Dr. Kande Prasada Rao

  Price : Rs 1200.00
  Your Price : Rs 1044.00
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  Dr. Kande Prasada Rao`s contributions in the field of law are phenomenal.... His services would be of great avail in the revision of the law applicable to Christians in India. It is heartening to know that Dr. Rao is studying the possibilities for a Common Civil Code. I am certain that his efforts will contribute greatly.

-Justice K.G. Balakrishnan, The Chief Justice of India

This book speaks volumes of the knowledge of the Author. His research work contains an exhaustive, comprehensive and databased information of the subject.

-Justice H.K. Sema, Judge, Supreme Court of India.

The book manifests the author`s vast knowledge, literary talent, clinical precision, visionary approach, deep awareness about the social conditions and a constructive response to the needs of the society and the Nation.

-Justice Cyriac Joseph, Judge, Supreme Court of India.

Your efforts and suggestions would be helpful in improving the law... even in understanding the meaning and ambit of the provisions by lawyers and law courts.

-Justice S. Rajendra Babu, Chairman, National Human Rights Commission.

As Visiting Professor of Chanakya National Law University, of which I am the Chancellor, Dr. Rao has done excellent works for the University. ... I wish and hope that generations of legal fraternity can be benefited from his hard work.

-Justice Jacob Benjamin Koshy, Chief Justice, Patna High Court

Your critical and incisive analysis of the legal provisions before and after the Indian Divorce (Amendment) Act, 2001 and your valuable suggestions for further improving the law shows the right path for further debate and reform.

-Justice AR. Lakshmanan, Chairman, Law Commission of India.

It bewilders anyone that a person without legal background has been able to produce this book. It is a product of intense research to contribute to the welfare of Christian community. It is his life mission to see that the Christian Law is reformed.

-Justice P.V. Reddi, Former Judge, Supreme Court of India,

Dr. Rao Founder General Secretary of Christian Law Review Committee, has not only pointed out the defects and deficiencies in the sections amended by the Indian Divorce (Amendment) Act, 2001, but also suggested draft Bill to rectify them.

-Padma Bhushan Justice K.T. Thomas, Former Judge, Supreme Court of India

One man an extremely original jurist and learned author of books is Dr. Kande Prasada Rao... I do expect Dr. Rao in his restless scholarly activity to contribute the basic of a Common Civil Code proposed by the Constitution of India

-Padma Vibhushan Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer,
Former Judge, Supreme Court of India

ISBN : 9788175348745

Pages : 1132
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