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  	The Accountable Leader

The Accountable Leader

by Brian Dive

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  Review:"Simple organizational structure and clear accountability are necessary conditions for the exercise of effective leadership. In this comprehensive book Brain Dive has made a most useful contribution in reminding us of these fundamentals."

John Adair, the world`s first Professor of Leadership Studies

"An eminently readable and refreshing book. More importantly, a must-read for operating managers, not just HR professionals."

R Gopalkrishnan, Executive Director, Tata Sons Ltd and author of The Case of the Bonsai Manager

"An excellent read. The benefit of truly accountable leaders is that they are able to create effective structures where their staff know what is expected of them, and can improve the business for customers."

Jane Storm, Group Head of Talent,

Organization Design and Performance at Tesco

Description: Leaders and managers in organizations at all levels are increasingly under the spotlight, and under constant pressure to achieve maximum performance. However, many of these business leaders do not have jobs with clear or real accountabilities.

The Accountable Leader explores the leadership-related problems that arise due to ineffective organizational structures. Many leaders don`t have the freedom to make the decisions that really have an impact on the organization`s performance, and a lot of companies would perform better if they harnessed the full talents of their workforce more effectively. All too often, it is the case that these leaders are frustrated in their attempts to make decisions “ because the way that the organization is designed doesn`t allow them to do so.

This thought-provoking and inspirational book focuses on an essential but overlooked aspect of leadership and management: the relationship between accountability, organizational design, leadership and business performance. Complete with practical case studies and international examples, The Accountable Leader is essential reading for business professionals and students of business who want to discover how to be an effective leader and how to create an organization that allows leadership talent to flourish and succeed.

Contents: Introduction ¢ Part 1: Accountable for success ¢ Organization for accountability ¢ Leaders and leadership development ¢ Holding leaders to account: leadership by design ¢ Part 2: Held to account at the front line ¢ Managing the front line ¢ Managing the managers ¢ Managing on a global stage ¢ Part 3: Organizational design accountability and leadership in practice ¢ Leadership development schemes: how can they succeed? ¢ Tracking a successful leader ¢ The accountable leader: 20 key ideas ¢ Index

About the Authors: Brian Dive is a vastly experienced international manager, writer and consultant. He has lived in New Zealand, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom, and has conducted assignments in more than 70 countries around the world.

Brian has 40 years` experience in the areas of organization and leadership and developed the widely successful leadership levels programme described in this book, which was first implemented ten years ago in about 100 countries

He has Chairman of the New York Conference Board`s Council on International Organization and Management for 11 years, working with 30 of the world`s leading multinationals.

He has worked in may diverse industries including agriculture, airlines, banking, biosciences, chemicals, conglomerates, construction, consumer goods, distribution, education, electrical goods, insurance, media, publishing, professional services, retail, telecommunications and textiles, as well as organizations in the public and not-for-profit sectors.

Brian runs his own business, DMA consultancy (www.dmaconsultancy.com). He is married with two children.

Target Audience: Academics and students of management studies, HR professinals, operating manager and business heads.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749455286

Pages : 272
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