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  Creating Passion Brands

Creating Passion Brands

by Helen Edwards, Derek Day

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  Brands are at a crossroads. Today`s marketers face flat growth, regulated markets, rapacious retailers and cynical consumers. And yet some brands rise above the issues to ignite passionate advocacy in consumers and employees alike. These are the brands with the imagination to stand for something rather than just following the latest consumer whim, the brands with a burning inner fire and the courage to live by their beliefs. Passionbrands not passive brands.

Creating Passionbrands is based on extensive original research and interviews with the visionaries and leaders behind 40 belief-led brands including Google, Innocent, Camper, Emirates and The Co-operative Bank. The authors isolatethe five big factors that make these brands different:

¢ they have something important to say about modern life ¢ they act out of deeply held beliefs, not the latest focus ¢ group findings ¢ they are good at something that`s good for people ¢ and stick to it ¢ they have a moral integrity that penetrates every fibre of the business ¢ they are never sanctimonious, boastful or dull

If today`s mainstream marketers are united about one thing, it is the need to build stronger emotional connections with consumers. This book tells them how Passionbrands achieve it “ and includes a step-by-step process to help them emulate that success.

The methodology is proven but is not for the faint-hearted. In Passionbrand companies, integrity is all and living by belief implies sacrifice. The reward is loyalty and growth. The brands that inspire today are the Passionbrands. And, as the authors conclude, the future belongs to them.

Contents: From understanding to obssession ¢ The five symptoms of malaise of consumer-led brands ¢ Why brands need belief ¢ Why passive belief won`t do ¢ Just another brand- or a Passionbrand? ¢ Creating the Passionbrands: the journey starts here ¢ Corner no 1: Ideology ¢ Corner no 2: capability ¢ Corner no 3: Consumer ¢ Corner no 4: Environment ¢ Marking imagination and the Passionpoint ¢ From identity to reality: six guiding principles ¢ Leading from the heart

About the Authors: Helen Edwards has over 15 years` experience as a practitioner, working at a senior level across a wide sweep of international brands. She holds an MBA from London Business School, where she now lectures on the MBA brand management elective. She speaks at international conferences and writes for many academic journals and is currently researching a PhD in marketing. Derek Day has 30 years` experience working with brands, most recently as JWT`s Worldwide Creative Director for Unilever, responsible for their biggest global brands.

Target Audience: Students and academicians of management and advertising, advertising agencies, corporates, brand strategists
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ISBN 9788175545311

Pages : 244
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