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  	Branding Your Business

Branding Your Business

by James Hammond

  Price : Rs 395.00
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  Description: The only way forward for business success is creating a memorable brand and fixing it in the consumer`s mind. Branding Your Business will help you to do this by explaining the whole branding process in easy-to-follow terms. Providing essential, practical advice for independent business owners looking to increase recognition of their company, it covers topics such as:

¢ What a brand is ¢ The role of perception and emotion ¢ Using the five senses to drive your brand ¢ Creating your Brand Halo TM ¢ Communicating your brand

Based around the theory that a brand is the total perception a customers has of company, its products or services, Branding Your Business will reveal just what you need to do to create and manage successful brands, enabling you to improve profits and leave your competition standing

Contents: Introduction ¢ Part 1: Nothing but the brand: Just what is a brand, and who is the customer?; Just what is a brand?; People are brands, too; Don`t give me facts ... my mind`s made up; Branding brings benefits; A ˜brand? It`s nothing but a pain in the backside; An emphasis on identity; The brand landscape of today; Defining a brand; Who is the customer?; The changing face of the customer; The two keys of branding; The all-encompassing Brand Haloa„¢; A brand of EPICTM proportions; Branding: not a cover-stick for a spotty business ¢ Part 2: Understanding emotion: Branding the heart as well as the head; Defining emotions; Two pathways to purchasing; How many emotions are there?; Features ...; ... and benefits; Maslow`s Hierarchy of Human Needs; Adaptive or supportive emotions - you decide; Defining your product or service`s emotional benefit; Supporting your emotional benefit ¢ Part 3: Perception is reality: How perception creates emotion; Generating emotions; What is perception?¢ Perception and long-term memory: Reception; Selection; Understanding the scheme of Things; Interpretation; Reaction; The myths of emotional branding; Long-term memory; Here endeth the psychology lesson ... ¢ Part 4: Making sense of the senses: Foreground and background: Looking like your brand; Creating a visual brand identity; Good design ... or bad design? Who chooses?; Your reception area; Your office environment; What`s in a name?; Use technology to your advantage ¢ Your Body Brand TM: Visual communication - up close and personal; Seeing eye to eye with your customers; Standing up (or sitting down) for your brand; Handshakes from hell; Give yourself a body check; Checklist for non-verbal communication¢ Talking the walk: Speech; Creating rapport with your customers; Listen and respond; The two ingredients of a customer conversation; Reasons for customer contact; Customer communication checklist ¢ Putting your brand on the right track: Audio logos and jingles; Blow your trumpet, sound your horn; Good telephone etiquette; Giving customers audio guidance; Spatial enhancement; Music while you work ¢ Don`t miss audio opportunities¢ The sweet smell of brand success: Smells evoke memories; The Singapore Girl sensory brand; Defining your brand`s smell; Your BrandScent environment; Charity shops - a smelly problem?; Scenting the product or service; Service with a smell; Aromatic publicity and promotions; Containing the smell; Your personal scent: good or bad idea?; Use scents and aromas with care ¢ Branding the taste buds: Getting the edge in food and drink; A tasty non-food business; Sweet ways to brand your business; Taste buds and business tie-ins ¢ Brand touch and feel: Getting in touch with your brand; Add an emotional touch to your product; Bringing your brand to the surface; Branding on the can; Using touch in a service business; Charities can benefit from a tactile approach; It`s your turn to be tactile; Touching what surrounds you; A sense of touch on the web ¢ Part 5: Innovation: Building your Brand Haloa„¢: The idea behind a Brand Haloa„¢; The right parts of your business - but not all parts; Customer contact timeline; Determining your key customer contact points; Involve your employees; Creating your Brand Reflections; A Brand Reflection example; Incorporating the five senses; A complete Brand Reflection ; Your Brand Haloa„¢; Finding out some contact preferences ¢ Modalities: a preferred sense of contact; Focus on the major trends; Asking the questions; Vive La difference ¢ Your Brand Haloa„¢ Handbook : Your choice of contents; A sample page from the Brand Haloa„¢ Handbook; A Handbook for your business - and your people ¢ Part 6: Communicating your brand: Your Brand Halo Storybooka„¢: The need for stories today ¢ Creating your Brand Storybooka„¢: Your ˜BrandMea„¢` Story; Tell your story as though you mean it; Your BusinessBranda„¢ Story; The reasons behind your brand; Taking a stand for your brand; Service with a stance; Your PeopleBranda„¢ Story; Attracting good candidates; Selecting your potential employees; Retaining your people; Your BrandBitea„¢; Make use of metaphors; Creating a slogan or strap line ¢ Final thoughts ¢ Reference ¢ Index

About the Author: James Hammond has over 27 years of experience working in brand management and strategy, consulting for many blue chip organizations including Virgin, Honda, BT and EMI. He has created and chaired key European conferences on Customer Care and Managing Change. He is an experienced speaker, conducting workshops and training programmes across the UK.

Target Audience: Independent business owners, corporates, branding professionals.
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ISBN 9780749454692

Pages : 268
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