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  Taking Minutes of Meetings, Revised 2nd Edn

Taking Minutes Of Meetings, Revised 2Nd Edn

by Joanna Gutmann

  Price : Rs 195.00
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Do you know how to set up a meeting?

Are you anxious about talking notes and sifting out irrelevant information?

Do you know how to write up your minutes and decide on layout?

Taking Minutes of Meetings explains the functions of minutes, how to take them accurately, and how to listen and summarise, Reliable, accessible advice is given on:

¢ arranging a meetings

¢ preparing the agenda

¢ preparing yourself and the meeting environment

¢ attending the meeting

¢ writing up the minutes

¢ choosing a suitable style, structure and layout

¢ selecting action points

¢ using the correct business English

The practical guide will increase your confidence and help you to master key skills, enabling you to take minutes of meetings efficiently and effectively.

Contents: Introduction ¢ Background ¢ Cycle of a meeting; The participants ¢ Arranging a meeting ¢ Who will attend ¢ Administration ¢ Sections of a meeting ¢ Agenda ¢ Agenda styles ¢ Personal preparation ¢ Creating the right environment ¢ Attending the meeting ¢ Taking notes ¢ The message, not the words ¢ Structuring notes ¢ Writing up the minutes ¢ The minutes ¢ Styles of minutes ¢ Common questions about minutes ¢ Useful words for minutes ¢ Recording decisions and actions ¢ Layout and numbering ¢ Layout ¢ Numbering ¢ Look at the picture ¢ Impact of the Freedom of Information Act on minutes ¢ Exempt information ¢ Impact on meeting papers ¢ Referencing meeting papers ¢ Writing minutes ¢ Business English for minutes ¢ Sentences ¢ Paragraphs ¢ Plain English ¢ Problem punctuation ¢ Building confidence

About the Authors: Joanna Gutmann is a freelance training consultant who offers a range of courses on office communication. She has a background in secretarial work and extensive experience in the design and development of courses for secretaries. She is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Target Audience: Business professionals.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749456573

Pages : 158
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