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  	Sales Promotion, 5/e

Sales Promotion, 5/E

by Roddy Mullin

  Price : Rs 495.00
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  Reviews: "It is an essential text for everyone I our industry, but because of its practical approach and the breadth of its coverage, it has now become the core text for the Institute of Sales Promotion`s highly-regarded Diploma in Promotional & Interactive Marketing."

Annie Swift, Chief Executive, Institute of Sales Promotion

"This is a practical must-have guide for anyone who needs to understand, firstly, how to create compelling sales promotion content and, secondly, how to communicate that content effectively through a mix of relevant media channels."

Martin Croft, Editor, Sales Promotion magazine

Description: Sales promotion is a one of the most powerful weapons available to sales and marketing staff, and used more than any other type of marketing “ because it works. Almost 60 per cent of consumers regularly take advantage of some form of sales promotion each month.

¢ Sales promotion and the customer

¢ The purpose of sales promotion

¢ What sales promotion can do

¢ How to use different techniques, including joint promotions, price promotions, premium promotions and off-the-shelf offers

¢ How to be creative

¢ How to use suppliers

¢ How to implement a promotion

¢ Marketing accountability and research

¢ International sales promotions

This edition of Sales Promotion is a core text for the ISP diploma, and the author has utilized graduate feedback to make the fifth edition relevant to students “ each chapter features an interactive self-study question-and-feedback section “ whilst maintaining it as a potent tool for the practitioner. Whether your company is a small start-up or an international business, Sales Promotion is essential for all those who want to get ahead and stay ahead of their competitors, even during difficult economic climates.

Contents: List of case studies ¢ Introduction ¢ Part I: Starting with the customer ¢ The business and marketing purpose behind sales promotion ¢ What sales promotions can do ¢ How to use promotions ¢ How to be creative ¢ How to use suppliers ¢ How to implement a promotion ¢ Self-regulation and the law ¢ Marketing accountability and research ¢ Part II: Off-the shelf offers ¢ Joint promotions ¢ Price promotions ¢ Premium promotions ¢ Prize promotions ¢ International sales promotion

About the Author: Roddy Mullin is both a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Marketer. He has been a consultant for sales and marketing for the past two decades, and his business aim is to "make people make money." He is Joint MD of Go Lead Limited which offers distance learning "How to Lead" courses from www.helmsmanship.co.uk. He is a Vice President of the Central London branch of the CIM, a Court Assistant of the Worshipful Company of Marketors and an examiner for the task force for marketing in the United Kingdom, and has also written and co-authored several other books, including The Handbook of Field Marketing, Direct Marketing and Value for Money Marketing. (all published by kogan page).

Target Audience: Students of sales training institute & sales professionals.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749457044

Pages : 260
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