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  Digital Control Systems (Second Edition)

Digital Control Systems (Second Edition)

by Benjamin C. Kuo

  Price : Rs 565.00
  Your Price : Rs 508.50
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  An introductory text, this book covers the theory and applications of digital control systems, assuming a knowledge of matrix algebra, differential equations.

In recent years significant progress has been made in the analysis and design of discrete-data and digital control systems. These systems have gained popularity and importance in industry due in part to the advances made in digital computers for controls and, more recently, in microprocessors and digital signal processors. An introductory text for a senior or graduate course on digital control systems, this text covers the theory and applications of digital control systems, assuming a knowledge of matrix algebra, differential equations, Laplace transforms and the basic principles of continuous-data control systems. Many subjects are new to the Second Edition, most importantly design topics such as disturbance rejection, sensitivity considerations, and zero-ripple deadbeat-response design. In addition, Kuo includes separate discussions on controllability, observability, and stability, expands the discussions of sampling period selection, emphasizes computer-aided solutions, and provides a new and simpler approach to the Nyquist criterion of stability. Each chapter begins with keywords and topics that provide students with an overview of the key topics to be covered. Illustrative examples, many derived from practical systems, are included throughout the text. Numerous exercise problems end each chapter.

ISBN - 9780198083542

Pages : 784
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