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  From Kashmir to Kabul: The Photographs of Burke and Baker, 1860-1900

From Kashmir To Kabul: The Photographs Of Burke And Baker, 1860-1900

by Omar Khan

  Price : Rs 2500.00
  Your Price : Rs 1950.00
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  John Burke and William Baker were the photographers of the Great Game, men whose work inspired Rudyard Kipling. No Raj photographers witnessed more wars, discoveries, news events and human diversity than did these two Irishmen. Among the earliest photographers of Kashmir and Afghanistan, their work dominated commercial photography in Punjab and the North-West Frontier from 1861 until 1900.

Until now no one has been able to piece together their remarkable careers. From illegitimate children to platinum prints, this book unravels the evidence to locate Baker and Burke in the fabric of their times. A decade of research across Pakistan and in Western archives has led to one of the most complete portraits of the Raj photographers. The Baker and Burke story tells of the rise of photography and Himalayan hill stations like Murree, where they had their main studio. Murree, perched on the border of Kashmir, is where Baker, Burke and most Raj photographers shot their best photographs for hotly contested competitions across India.

ISBN - 9781890206369

Pages : 208
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