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  Stellar Effects on Human Lives (KP)

Stellar Effects On Human Lives (Kp)

by Prof. K Hariharan

  Price : Rs 240.00
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  1. Marriage: Horary and Horoscopy, 2. Directional Method of Timing of Events, 3. Significance of Jupiter in the Fourth House, 4. Overseas Travel: How to determine? 5. Health: Setback and Recovery”a Study through Stellar Astrology, 6. The Horoscope of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, 7. Will Evil House Bring Desirable Results? 8. Imprisonment and Release”a Study. 9. Disease Diagnosis through Stellar Astrology, 10. Planets and Precious Stones, 11. On Success in Litigation and Second Marriage, 12. Astrology and Accidents, 13. Fortune Smiles on Indian Cricket, 14. Stellar Astrology”Its Role and Significance in Vimshottari Dasa, 15. The Horoscope of Swami Sivananda, 16. Astrology”Superstition or Neglected Science, 17. Accidental Death of Father, 18. Astrological Indicates for Diabetes, 19. Significance of Aspects Between Lords of Houses, 20. The National Calendar, 21. Planets and Purchases of Conveyance, 22. Theft and Recovery: Krishnamurti Paddhati Gives Accurate Clue, 23. Fortuna and the Eighth House, 24. Sngeetha: a Study through Stellar Astrology, 25. Fortune and Misfortune, 26. Utility of Ruling Planets in Krishnamurti Paddhati, 27. Role of Significators of Astrology, 28. Lottery and Luck: Successful Application of Stellar Astrology, 29. Is Dasa Powerful or Bhukti? 30. Sports: Principles and Practice of Stellar Astrology, 31. Retrograde Planets: How do They Work? 32. Will My Attempt Be Successful in Getting a Big Project? 33. Foreign Assignment, 34. Dasaporutham “ Contradictory, 35. What is the Effect of a Planet on the Cusp? 36. Dreams Depress “ Fear Denies Cheer, 37. Annual Horoscope, 38. Love and Love Affairs, 39. Am I Pregnant? 40. Longevity Assessment & Premature Death of the Child, 41. Krishnamurti Paddhati is Hundred Per Cent Correct, 42. Shall I Pass the Examination? 43. Can I Become an Actor? 44. Work Permit, 45. Will the Dangerous Disease Release? 46. Will the Play be Continued or Not? 47. Dreams and Astrology, 48. Horoscopy Analysis: Past and Future, 49. Imprisonment and Release, 50. Transfer to My Original Post”When? 51. Eye Trouble “ Surgical Cure, 52. Death by Fire Accident, 53. Fortune`s Favourite.

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