The story of `The Music Room` revolves around the life of Dhondutai, the only remaining student of the finest singers of the Jaipur gharana: Alladiya Khan and Kesarbai Kerkar. Namita, when ten-years old, is taken to Dhondutai, for taking music lessons. Living in sub par conditions, in a cramped one room flat, she sees a glimpse of Kesarbai in the little girl and takes her under tutelage. With this begins Namita`s long association of learning with and admiration for Dhondutai, which continues for almost three decades. Though the book is dedicated to Dhondutai, the author does provide a glimpse into the lives of Alladiya Khan, Bhurji Khan and Kesarbai Kerkar, through the Dhondutai`s eyes. Through `The Music Room`, Namita takes the readers back in history, that of the Jaipur Gharana, in particular, and Hindustani music, in general. She weaves the past and the present with such a commendable ease that one cannot help but feel admiration for her. The book gives an overview of what a gharana is and how each gharana differs from the rest. ISBN:9788184000719