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  Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS) and IFRSs for Non-Finance Executive

Indian Accounting Standards (Ind As) And Ifrss For Non-Finance Executive

by Dr. T P Ghosh

  Price : Rs 1175.00
  Your Price : Rs 1034.00
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  nderstanding IFRS across the organization is vita for its best impementation and taking mieage out of it. Non-finance Executives pay a key roe. Asset componentization, significance of major parts and minor parts, annua review of usefu ife and residua vaue, age-anaysis of inventories, nature of agreements and its accounting significance, impact of deayed payment or advance payment, impact of retention from bis, provisioning out of contractua obigations are some iustrative areas wherein invovement of non-finance executives is essentia.

This book is written to suit the purpose of non-accountants.

Highights of some key topics:-

IFRS principes
Simpified discussion on IFRS Financia Statements
Principe of fair vaue measurement of financia assets and iabiities incuding oans to Empoyees, Advance to Contractors, Security Deposit or Retention Money
Straight ine recognition of operating ease revenue
Long term advance from customers and fair vaue based revenue recognition
Principes of Receivabe Accounting or Intangibe Asset Accounting in Service Concession Arrangements
Determining whether an Arrangement contains a ease
First Time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards
IFRS Carve Outs

ISBN No.:9788171948710

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