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  	Fundamentals of Risk Management

Fundamentals Of Risk Management

by Paul Hopkin

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  Description: World events such as terrorism, natural disasters and the global financial crisis have raised the profile of risk. Now more than ever, organizations must plan, respond and recognize all forms of risks that they face. Risk management is a core business skill and understanding and dealing with risks effectively can both increase success and reduce the likelihood of failure.

Fundamentals of Risk Management provides a comprehensive introduction to this important subject. It is suitable for those starting a career in risk as well as all professionals who need to consider how types of risks impact on their organizations. It clearly defines the three main areas of risk - operational, change and strategic - and examines how to recognize the associated risks and both the problems and opportunities these present. The book is also supported by a broad range of case studies and well-known examples, providing an acccessible introduction to this key area.

Contents: Introduction ¢ Part 1: Introduction to risk management ¢ Approaches to defining risk ¢ Impact of risk on organizations ¢ Types of risks ¢ Development of risk management ¢ Principles and aims of risk management ¢ Risk management standards ¢ Case study: Barclays Bank “ risk management objectives ¢ Part 2: Risk strategy ¢ Risk management policy ¢ Risk management documentation ¢ Risk management responsibilitites ¢ Risk architecture and structure ¢ Risk-aware culture ¢ Risk training and communication ¢ Case study: Tesco “ risk management responsibilities ¢ Part 3: Risk assessment ¢ Risk assessment considerations ¢ Risk classification systems ¢ Risk likelihood and impact ¢ Loss control ¢ Defining the upside of risk ¢ Business continuity planning ¢ Case study: Invensys “ risks and uncertainties ¢ Part 4: Risk and organizations ¢ Corporate governance model ¢ Stakeholder expectations ¢ Analysis of the business model ¢ Project risk management ¢ Operational risk management ¢ Supply chain management ¢ Case study: Hercules Incorporated “ outsourcing logistics ¢ Part 5: Risk response ¢ Enterprise risk management ¢ Importance of risk appetite ¢ Tolerate, treat, transfer and terminate ¢ Risk control techniques ¢ Control of selected hazard risks ¢ Insurance and risk transfer ¢ Case study: Intercontinental Hotels Group “ loss-control strategy ¢ Part 6: Risk assurance and reporting ¢ Evaluation of the control environment ¢ Activities of the internal audit function ¢ Risk assurance techniques ¢ Reporting on risk management ¢ Corporate social responsibility ¢ Future of risk management ¢ Case study: BP “ risk reporting ¢ Index

About the Authors: Paul Hopkin is a Fellow and Non-executive Director of The Institute of Risk Management. He is currently Technical Director of the Association of Insurange and Risk Managers (AIRMIC). Previously he was Director of Risk Management for The Rank Group Plc and prior to that, Head of Risk Management at the BBC.

The Institute of Risk Management (IRM) is the world`s leading enterprise-wide risk education institute. IRM passionately believes in the importance and reevance of risk management and that investment in education and continuous development leads to more effective risk management. Our educational programmes are recognized for their excellence through awards internationally. We are independent, well respected advocates of the risk profession, owned by risk professionals and offer services relevant to all sectors and disciplines. IRM operates internationally with members and student in over 50 countries. www.theirm.org.

Target Audience: Students of risk management.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749459420

Pages : 384
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