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  Instant Motivation

Instant Motivation

by Brian Clegg

  Price : Rs 175.00
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  Description: You know that your staff and colleagues, your boss, your friends and family could all achieve more. Yet they don`t. It`s not that they lack the skills, simply the motivation. By using the right techniques, you can inspire them to make the difference“and in a fast-paced, high-pressure world, you can`t afford not to.

Instant Motivation will help you to bring out the best in other people “ fast! Whether you are trying to inspire an individual, a team or an entire company, the proven techniques in this practical book will help you to give others a boost. This action kit is packed with exercises and ideas that will help you to motivate:

¢ Individuals “ enable people to give so much more

¢ Teams“help groups pull together to achieve success

¢ Large gatherings“energize a conference or a large meeting

With over 70 easy-to-use exercises, most taking no more than 30 minutes, this book provides techniques that are both inspirational and fun without ever adopting the over-the-top style that makes some motivational material seem so artificial and inappropriate in the modern workplace. Most importantly, these motivational techniques work-and they work quickly!

Contents: Motivation: Empowering or brainwashing? ¢ Who can we motivate? ¢ What`s the point? ¢ Who is Instant Motivation for? ¢ Using the book ¢ One to One: The individual ¢ One size fits all ¢ A relationship ¢ Coaching ¢ Counselling ¢ Transforming ¢ Mentoring ¢ Avoiding demotivation ¢ Team Spirit: What is a team? ¢ Working together ...and not ¢ Team goals ¢ Team blockages ¢ Inside out, not outside in ¢ Motivating the team ¢ Large scale: Big groups ¢ Why are they here? ¢ Why do you want them there? ¢ Informing ¢ Training ¢ Cheerleading ¢ Diffuse groups ¢ Getting the bandwagon rolling ¢ Avoiding farce ¢ The Exercises: It`s catching ¢ Somewhere to go ¢ Demolishing demotivators ¢ Publish and be damned ¢ Arrivals ¢ Risk and failure ¢ Contributors ¢ Eye eye ¢ Tooling up ¢ Stretch but don`t stress ¢ Gift aid ¢ Do it themselves ¢ Share and enjoy ¢ Understanding your style ¢ Meeting motivation ¢ Perspective shift ¢ Energy transfer ¢ A little note ¢ Appropriate appraisal ¢ Responsibility ¢ Looking up ¢ Money, money, money ¢ Daggers drawn ¢ Fill in the form ¢ Time counts ¢ Portfolio matching ¢ The tea bag ¢ Critical response ¢ Confronting troublemakers ¢ Promises, promises ¢ Public praise ¢ Change control ¢ Travel broadens the mind ¢ Visible improvement ¢ Smashing the suggestion box ¢ E-motivation ¢ Ask them ¢ Lasers and dry ice ¢ Break time ¢ Firm but fair ¢ Celebration time ¢ Train tracks ¢ Peerless peers ¢ Warm-ups ¢ Personal projects ¢ No comment ¢ Own pocket ¢ Empty desk syndrome ¢ Change as motivator ¢ The genuine article ¢ The rumour mill ¢ Absolute sports ¢ Quality content ¢ Faking it ¢ Spice it up ¢ Team supporters ¢ Toys for boys ¢ Two-faced management ¢ Motivational marketing ¢ The earnest objector ¢ What did I say? ¢ Train strain ¢ Recognized authority ¢ Playing fovourities ¢ The hardest cut ¢ Objective view ¢ Simple recognition ¢ Into focus ¢ The F word ¢ Banishing bureaucracy ¢ Managing George ¢ The body politic ¢ Task force opportunities ¢ No secrets ¢ Golden bull ¢ Chunky incentives ¢ Isolate to motivate ¢ What`s in it for me? ¢ Ambience chasers ¢ More Motivations: Finding out more ¢ Books ¢ Appendix: The Selector: The random selector ¢ Techniques in timing order ¢ Techniques in frequency order ¢ Techniques in applicability to individual order ¢ Techniques in applicability to teams order ¢ Techniques in applicability to group order ¢ Techniques in fun order

About the author: Brian Clegg is a journalist and creativity consultant. He is a well-known writer, both in traditional media and on the World Wide Web and has written a number of books in this series, including Instant Time Management and Instant Brainpower.

Target Audience: A handy resource for individuals, team leaders, managers and trainers.
ISBN 9788175544390

Pages : 138
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