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  Crash Course In Creativity

Crash Course In Creativity

by Brian Clegg & Paul Birch

  Price : Rs 295.00
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  Description: The Crash Course in Creativity is an easy way to improve your creativity but it is far from a dry traditional course. As the author say, ˜be prepared to learn, but also be prepared to have fun.`

After an exploration of the key skills that will help you to nurture creativity, the course itself consist of a programme of 150 exercises and techniques to help you develop your creativity, either alone or as part of a group. Targeted reading ensures that the practical exercises are backed up with expert knowledge. This dynamic personal development programme is split into30 units, each designed to be completed in your spare time in one week.

Alternatively, if you are under great pressure to get results, a whole unit can be completed within a day. The final section provides a refresher course that pulls together key learning points, ideas for further reading that will help you to select the right techniques to use in specific situations.

Contents: Introduction ¢ Getting the basics ¢ Why creativity? ¢ Creativity primer ¢ Culture ¢ Techniques ¢ Personal development ¢ Mental energy ¢ Fun ¢ Getting started ¢ Work plan ¢ Introducing the course ¢ Checklist ¢ The course ¢ Unit 1: A taster ¢ Exercise/Technique: Surveying your mind ¢ Technique: Knots ¢ Exercise/Technique: Random picture ¢ Exercise: Life saver ¢ Technique: Ideas to get you fired ¢ Unit 2: Getting to know you - loosening up a new group ¢ Technique: This is my friend ¢ Technique: Tower of Babel ¢ Exercise: Twisters ¢ Technique: Follow my leader ¢ Technique: True and false ¢ Unit 3: Clarifying the problem - just what are you trying to do? ¢ Exercise/Technique: Compass ¢ Technique: Obstacle map ¢ Exercise: Water into wine ¢ Technique: Destination ¢ Exercise/Technique: Chunks and breaks ¢ Unit 4: Challenging assumptions - thinking differently about a problem to understand it better ¢ Exercise/Technique: Do nothing ¢ Technique: Up and down ¢ Exercise: Round the world ¢ Technique: Time slices ¢ Exercise: Questioning everything ¢ Unit 5: Good vibrations - positive thinking ¢ Exercise/Technique: Altered states ¢ Technique: Yes! ¢ Technique: Circle of energy ¢ Exercise: Pub quiz ¢ Technique: Beam me up ¢ Unit 6: New ˜how to`s - getting different cuts at the problem ¢ Exercise/Technique: Excellence ¢ Technique: Restatement ¢ Exercise/Technique: Versatile coat hangers ¢ Technique: Mud slinging ¢ Exercise: Going down ¢ Unit 7: Incremental creativity - step change techniques ¢ Exercise/Technique: The level chain ¢ Exercise/Technique: Car and goats ¢ Technique: Attributes ¢ Exercise/Technique: Found story ¢ Exercise/Technique: Technical creativity ¢ Unit 8: Distortion - idea generation techniques that modify the nature of the problem ¢ Technique: Challenging assumptions ¢ Exercise/Technique: Distortion ¢ Exercise: Birthday bonanza ¢ Technique: Reversal ¢ Technique: Size matters ¢ Unit 9: Pure energy - injecting oomph ¢ Technique: Spoon and string ¢ Technique: Piggyback plus ¢ Exercise: Get another life ¢ Technique: Sit on my lap ¢ Technique: The paperclip race ¢ Unit 10: Seeking knowledge”building a personal knowledge base to feed creativity ¢ Technique: Broken CD ¢ Exercise: Sense and sensibility ¢ Exercise/Technique: The little black book ¢ Exercise: All that glisters ¢ Exercise: Programmed thought ¢ Unit 11: Seeing it differently”looking at solutions through different eyes ¢ Technique: Fantasy ¢ Technique: Someone else`s view ¢ Exercise: Get a laugh ¢ Technique: Metaphor ¢ Exercise: No time to read ¢ Unit 12: A swift kick”random stimuli to generate a new starting point ¢ Technique: Random word ¢ Exercise/Technique: Cool site ¢ Technique: Found objects ¢ Technique: Quotations ¢ Exercise: An excellent mistake ¢ Unit 13: Looking somewhere else”taking a good look beyond the obvious ¢ Technique: It`s a steal ¢ Exercise/Technique: Inside view ¢ Technique: Evil genius ¢ Exercise: School daze ¢ Technique: Morphology ¢ Unit 14: Simple fun”laughter makers ¢ Technique: Row of eyes ¢ Technique: I am and I know ¢ Technique: Makeover ¢ Technique: Steeplechase ¢ Technique: Giants, witches and dwarves ¢ Unit 15: Breakdown”techniques that break down a problem into components ¢ Technique: Components ¢ Technique: Substitute ¢ Exercise: Different views ¢ Technique: Been there before ¢ Exercise/Technique: Long division ¢ Unit 16: Touchy-feely”generating ideas using right-brain activities ¢ Exercise/Technique: Set it to music ¢ Exercise/Technique: Da Vinci scribbles ¢ Technique: Touch me, feel me ¢ Technique: Draw it ¢ Technique: Squirrel box ¢ Unit 17: Natural input”using nature and science as tools to generate ideas ¢ Technique: Frontiers ¢ Exercise: Leaf mould ¢ Technique: Auntie gravity ¢ Exercise: The thrill factor ¢ Technique: It`s only natural ¢ Unit 18: Memories are made of this”memory techniques ¢ Exercise/Technique: Extremes ¢ Technique: Story chains ¢ Technique: Take a note ¢ Exercise/Technique: Number rhymes ¢ Exercise: Strengthening your ghosts ¢ Unit 19: Strange translations”generating ideas from misunderstanding Technique: It`s silly ¢ Exercise: Cloak and dagger ¢ Technique: Lost in translation ¢ Technique: They`re winning ¢ Exercise: Spinning knowledge ¢ Unit 20: Creative comms”stimulating new approaches by forcing different modes of communications ¢ Technique: In the dark ¢ Technique: Out for the count ¢ Technique: Buy me ¢ Technique: Blindfold birthday ¢ Technique: Lego construction ¢ Unit 21: Going green”environmental techniques to enhance creativity ¢ Exercise/Technique: Something completely different ¢ Technique: Unconscious creativity ¢ Exercise/Technique: Go gallery ¢ Technique: Game theory ¢ Technique: Snapshots ¢ Unit 22: Spatial thinking”right-brain group sessions ¢ Exercise/Technique: The magic tunnel ¢ Technique: Handcuffs ¢ Exercise: Quick on the draw ¢ Technique: Towering ¢ Technique: Plane sailing ¢ Unit 23: Selection techniques”which idea is best? ¢ Technique: The [pound] bid ¢ Technique: SWOT ¢ Exercise: Material gains ¢ Exercise/Technique: Basic option evaluation ¢ Exercise/Technique: Sophisticated option evaluation ¢ Unit 24: Changing group dynamics”more energy and fun ¢ Exercise/Technique: You`re an animal ¢ Technique: Bursting with energy ¢ Technique: On the square ¢ Technique: Magic carpet ¢ Technique: Peer groups ¢ Unit 25: Refinement techniques”polishing up your ideas ¢ Technique: Signposts ¢ Technique: Hazard markers ¢ Exercise: Horse whispers ¢ Technique: Second-best solution ¢ Exercise/Technique: Stakeholders ¢ Unit 26: Knowledge expansion”more techniques to help personal knowledge management ¢ Exercise: On the box ¢ Exercise/Technique: Category magic ¢ Exercise: Doing and knowing ¢ Exercise: Fact quest ¢ Exercise: Binning paper ¢ Unit 27: Spock rules”logic exercises to challenge the brain ¢ Technique: One spare square ¢ Technique: Contract fishing ¢ Exercise/Technique: Ands ¢ Technique: Rules rule ¢ Exercise/Technique: Racing demon ¢ Unit 28: Making it happen”techniques to expedite implementation ¢ Technique: Planning for selling ¢ Technique: Planning for implementation ¢ Exercise: Story time ¢ Exercise/Technique: The top ten list ¢ Exercise: Scribbling ¢ Unit 29: Right-brain teamwork”more exercises to encourage groups to engage the right brain ¢ Technique: The wrong drawing ¢ Technique: Abstract drawing ¢ Exercise/Technique: PR from Hell ¢ Technique: Passing the buck ¢ Technique: Fontastic ¢ Unit 30: Mental workout”personal creativity exercises ¢ Exercise: Metaphorically speaking ¢ Exercise: Holistic awareness ¢ Exercise: On the edge ¢ Exercise: Muddled model ¢ Exercise: Rapt concentration ¢ Review ¢ Pulling it together ¢ Collected reading list ¢ Appendix ¢ Random words ¢ People for ˜Someone else`s view` ¢ Techniques with high culture ratings ¢ Techniques with high techniques ratings ¢ Techniques with high personal development ratings ¢ Techniques with high mental energy ratings ¢ Techniques with high fun ratings ¢ Techniques suited to stage ”understanding the problem ¢ Techniques suited to stage ”generating ideas ¢ Techniques suited to stage ”selection and refinement ¢ Techniques suited to stage ”planning for selling and implementation

About the Authors: Brian Clegg is a business and popular science writer and a creativity consultant.

Paul Birch is a change and creativity consultant and trainer.

Both authors are well-known writers and developed the ˜Instant` series for Kogan Page, aimed at helping readers develop a variety of work and life skills in a short time, including Instant Coaching, Instant Interviewing, Instant Teamwork and Instant Stress Management.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175544307

Pages : 254
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