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  101 Learning and Development Tools

101 Learning And Development Tools

by Kenneth Fee

  Price : Rs 595.00
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  Description: 101 Learning and Development Tools is an extremely practical and comprehensive collection of the tools and techniques needed to design and deliver training interventions

-Neil Roden, former HR Director, RBS

Kenneth Fee has succeeded in an ambitious task: to produce an up-to-date snapshot of the tools in use for training and learning in organizations. Everyone would learn something new from reading this comprehensive and accessible book.

-Martyn Sloman, Visiting Professor, Kingston Business School, Kingston University

101 Learning and Development Tools is your practical guide to all the most up-to-date training techniques, organized around the classic learning and development cycle. Whether you need a quick, ready solution or some guidance on where to go for in-depth information, this is your essential reference guide. It picks up from where you are in the process of managing learning, and helps you place it in a broader context.

Each chapter is a mini guide to each tool with:

¢ a description of the tool ¢ cross-references to help you identify alternative

¢ analysis or related tools for further study or investigation

¢ resources needed ¢cost implications

101 Learning and Development Tools is the indispensable, all-in-one-volume reference book for both professionals in the field and students learning about the subject.

Contents: Introduction ¢ The learning and development cycle ¢ PART ONE: Learning needs analysis ¢ Understanding learning, development, education and training ¢ L&DNA grids ¢ Identifying organizational learning needs: a step-by-step approach ¢ Performance analysis quadrant ¢ The learning curve ¢ Bloom`s taxonomy of learning domains ¢ Informal and non-formal learning ¢ Kolb`s experiential learning cycle ¢ Honey and Mumford`s learning styles ¢ Rose`s learning styles ¢ Overcoming barriers to learning ¢ Johari window ¢ How to develop a learning culture ¢ How to develop a learning organization ¢ The learning value chain ¢ Accelerated learning ¢ Emotional intelligence ¢ Gardner`s multiple intelligences ¢ Neuro-linguistic programming ¢ Knowledge management: distinguishing data, information and knowledge ¢ The five aspects of talent management ¢ The talent web ¢ The succession planning cycle ¢ Devising and using standards of competence ¢ Board-level development: a needs audit ¢ Learning methods and styles grid ¢ Learning methods choice matrix ¢ PART TWO: Planning learning ¢ The six essential elements of a learning strategy ¢ Using the learning and development cycle to plan learning interventions ¢ A step-by-step guide to planning a learning event ¢ Personal development planning ¢ Using different approaches to learning and development ¢ Criteria for choosing a learning approach ¢ A checklist for procuring learning services ¢ Outsourcing versus insourcing ¢ The four phases of knowledge management ¢ The three component parts of e-Learning ¢ The five models of e-learning ¢ Learning design: the five dimensions ¢ The route map model for e-Learning design ¢ A classification of e-Learning technologies ¢ What to look for in a digital learning platform ¢ Checklist - 10 things to look out for when dealing with e-Learning vendors ¢ What to look for in a learning and development consuItant ¢ What to look for in learning materials ¢ Working with union learning representatives ¢ Using qualification ¢ Reference list of learning and development methods ¢ PART THREE: Implementing learning ¢ Icebreakers ¢ Coaching - tips and pitfalls ¢ Facilitation - tips and pitfalls ¢ Lecturing - tips and pitfalls ¢ How to mentor someone ¢ How to organize work-based learning ¢ Guided practice ¢ Putting together action learning sets ¢ Setting up a community of practice ¢ The seven pillars of a corporate university ¢ Preparing a lesson plan ¢ Preparing to deliver a course: a checklist ¢ Tips for team teaching ¢ 360 - degree feedback ¢ Psychometric instruments for development rather than assessment ¢ Innovative approaches to learning ¢ Using storytelling in learning and development ¢ Games, and learning through play ¢ Simulation ¢ Volunteering-based learning ¢ Development centres ¢ Assessing and recording competence ¢ Learning logs and contracts ¢ Guided reading ¢ Appreciative inquiry ¢ Networking via professional bodies ¢ Outplacement services ¢ Blended learning models ¢ Social networking and collaborative tools ¢ Checklist for setting up a learning centre ¢ Costing learning Assessing learning Centre ¢ PART FOUR: Evaluating learning ¢ Costing learning ¢ Assessing learning ¢ Talent management and development: the GE nine box model ¢ Quality management of learning: the diamond model ¢ Applying quality management tools to learning ¢ Making a business case for learning and development ¢ Internal marketing of learning and development ¢ How to get value from a corporate university ¢ How to get value from learning consultants ¢ Evaluation: how to recognize and when to use the main methods ¢ Kirkpatrick`s four levels of evaluation ¢ Producing an evaluation sheet ¢ Measures in evaluating learning ¢ CIPD partnership of learning model ¢ Evaluation metrics ¢ Calculating return on investment ¢ Evaluation: return on expectations ¢ Six Sigma for learning and development ¢ Balanced scorecard for learning and development ¢ E-Learning: the impact matrix ¢ Evaluation: total value add ¢ You ¢ Index

About the Author: Kenneth Fee has worked in the learning and development field for over 25 years. He is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development as well as a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute. He is the author of A Guide to Management Development Techniques and Delivering E-Learning (both published by Kogan Page). Kenneth has been blogging on the subjects of learning and development since 2007 on his learnforeverblog. blogspot.com.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749461089

Pages : 272
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