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  Coaching: The Art Of Developing Leaders

Coaching: The Art Of Developing Leaders

by Santhosh Babu

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  This book addresses multiple stakeholders of coaching. These include the coach, the client, the sponsor (the organization) and the leaders. If you are interested in being a coach or are a practicing coach, you would find this book extremely useful. If you are someone who wants to hire a coach and experience coaching, this book will show you what to expect and how the coaching happens. If you are a professional who would like to know more about coaching and use this in your organization, this can be a handy guide. And, if you are someone who would like increase your effectiveness then the pages of this book have much to offer you! Coaching—The Art of Developing Leaders dwells on how: A strong vibrant workplace where leaders engage both the hearts and the minds of individuals and teams leads to high performance results. Each Leader could use the principles of Coaching to empower, support and unleash the potential of his people. Coaching could help create a leadership pipeline faster, support development of high potential employees and how to use coaching as post training support to increase the effectiveness of training interventions. To build yourself as a coach, the steps and tools needed along with the conceptual frameworks and content that you need to kick start your coaching practice. To choose the right coach for yourself, what to expect and how coaching could help you to be more effective as a leader. Table of Contents Foreword Preface Chapter 1: Coaching for Leadership Development Team or Group Coaching Managing Expectations Types of Clients Chapter 2: Who Can Be A Coach? Self-knowledge, Authenticity and Congruence Chapter 3: What is Coaching As Old as Human Race ‘Coach is Born’ with the ‘Carriage of Kocs’ Coaching Makes You What You Want To Be When and Why Do People Require Coaching Requisites for A Successful Coaching Relationship Historical Perspectives and Influencers How is Coaching Different from Other Disciplines? Chapter 4: Coaching Paradigms Presence-based Coaching Ontological Coaching Integral Coaching Neuro-linguistic Programming Coaching Gestalt Coaching Psychodynamic Coaching Transpersonal Coaching Appreciative Coaching Chapter 5: Types of Coaching Facilitative Coaching Developmental Coaching Personal/Life Coaching Career Coaching Group Coaching Performance Coaching Relationship Coaching Targeted Behavioral Coaching Legacy Coaching Chapter 6: Executive Coaching Executive Coaching in the Indian Context Who Can Be A Coach? Competencies Needed in A Client Coaching Skills Chapter 7: ODA Coaching Model Systems perspective. Content, Process and Context Integral Model Three Levels of Learning ODA Coaching Model Coaching and ODA Coaching Interventions Chapter 8: Leader as A Coach Complex Systems Insights into What Motivates People Leadership Challenges in the Emerging Economies Major Characteristics Chapter 9: Trends and Future Possibilities Defining Coaching Understanding the Coaching Context in Indian Organizations Who is Sponsoring Coaching in Indian Organizations? How is Coaching Effectiveness Measured? Survey Questions The Coach’s Perspective How Is Executive Coaching Relevant in the Indian Cultural Context Impact of Indian Cultural Ethos on Coaching What Coaching Crystallizes into the Indian Corporate Context? Chapter10: Toolkit for A Coach The Coaching Agreement Personal Information Fact Sheet Wheel of Life Self-Discovery Form Coaching Session Note Sheet Goal Planning Sheet Habits I Want to Build/Reinforce Value-based Decision Framework Assessments Powerful Questions A Sample 360-degree Questionnaire


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