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  Beginning JSP 2: From Novice to Professional

Beginning Jsp 2: From Novice To Professional

by Peter Den Haan ,

  Price : Rs 599.00
  Your Price : Rs 539.10
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  Let Beginning JSP 2 be your guide as you begin using JSP. This comprehensive guide starts by steering you through your first JSP application. It reviews HTML, and provides you with a useful overview of JSP. You`ll then be ready to start learning one of the core techniques in JSP: pulling data from a database and working with that data.

When you`ve mastered this technique, you`ll be ready to branch out powerfully into other JSP topics: variables, scope, flow control, and code reuse for productive time management. Finally, the book shows you how you can use JSP with XML and gives you a taste of some advanced topics, including using Struts and the Model View Controller.

This book`s step-by-step examples explain the techniques behind the code. The authors include realistic scenarios wherever possible to build your knowledge and confidence in JSP. After reading this book, you`ll have the knowledge and skills to enter the web development and Java development industries. All you need to begin this journey is a basic understanding of HTML and Java.ISBN:9788181282521

Pages : 463
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