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  Scientoonic Tell-Tale of Genome and DNA

Scientoonic Tell-Tale Of Genome And Dna

by Madhusudan W Pandit, Pradeep K Srivastava, Lalji Singh

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 845.75
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  Scientoonics is a new discipline in science that deals with science communication by using a novel class of science cartoons called scientoons. These are essentially cartoons based on scientific concepts, discoveries, results, and their applications. The present book is an effort with entirely novel approach in communication of scientific facts in their true perspective. It will not only help the common man to acquaint himself with the scientific jargon but also make him understand how best we can make use of such facts in our day-to-day life. Recent advances in scientific research, in fact, demand pro-active efforts from the scientists so that complex ideas reach to the people effectively.
The present book has essentially tried, through Scientoons, to depict present concerns brought forward by the recent explosion of knowledge, especially the knowledge about Human Genome and related areas. This collection of scientoons has addressed areas such as DNA, DNA fingerprinting, Human Genome, Conservation of Wildlife, etc.
The authors have elaborated on the scientific aspect of the scientoons and have taken an opportunity to provide information that would not only help the readers in appreciating the spirit and the humor in scientoons but also enrich their knowledge about scientific advances which are taking place around the world. Each scientoon is therefore associated with a text that narrates the serious part of the science or its applications.
This book is an endeavor to reduce the gap between the excitement of some of the scientific advances in science of the present time and the curious readers who want to know more about scienceISBN 9788189866600

Pages : 190
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