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  Creativity in Public Relations, 3/e

Creativity In Public Relations, 3/E

by Andy Green

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  Description: What is it that adds sparkle and life to a well-planned and implemented public relations campaign? It is the ˜ah` factor: the brilliantly simple but inspired creative idea. Creativity isn`t just a gift that some possess and others don`t “ it is a process that can be understood and put into practice.

Creative input is inevitably required of the PR practitioner and yet there is a lack of real understanding of the mechanics of the processes involved. Creativity in Public Relations is a unique title that seeks to address this situation and explores:

¢ the five ˜I`s of the creative process;

¢ techniques for stimulating ideas;

¢ brainstorming;

¢ evaluating ideas;

¢ obstacles to creativity;

¢ the creative individual;

¢ the creative organization.

This fully updated third edition includes three new chapters illustrating ways in which to improve your flexible thinking, use creativity as a consultation tool and learn how to identify new opportunities. The book offers practical examples and is based on the research of those in the PR industry who are regarded by their peers as ˜creative`. The reader is guided through ways of using and managing different techniques, tips to generate creative ideas, and the five ˜I`s of the creative process: information, incubation, illumination, integration and illustration.

By clearly establishing a definition of ˜creativity`, this third edition will help PR practitioners and general readers to get ˜under the skin` of the creative process and use it to greater effect in their work.

Contents: Introduction ¢ A definition of ˜creativity` ¢ Creativity: some myths debunked ¢ How you think in ˜boxes` ¢ The creative process ¢ Green Light thinking: creative techniques ¢ Green Light thinking: brainstorming ¢ Creativity “ the consultation tool ¢ Red Light thinking: the evaluation of ideas ¢ Creativity is not just for photocalls ¢ Obstacles to creativity ¢ You are never more than 12 feet from an opportunity ¢ The ˜creative diamond` ¢ The creative individual ¢ Creating a creative culture ¢ The ethics of creativity: lies, damned lies and impropaganda ¢ The future of creativity ¢ Award ceremony ¢ Interested in finding out more?

About the Author: Andy Green is a Fellow of the CIPR and is a leading expert on communications and creativity. He is the driving force behind the Wakefield Media and Creativity Centre, a partner with Wakefield-based Green communications and creativity consultancy creativity@work. He is also the author of Effective Personal Communication Skills for Public Relations (also published by Kogan Page).

Target Audience: PR practitioners, general readers.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175543348

Pages : 256
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