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  Cell Biology

Cell Biology

by Channarayappa

  Price : Rs 1595.00
  Your Price : Rs 1355.75
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  Cell Biology covers one of the most fundamental and elaborately studied areas of biology: the cell. The cell is the basic unit of life and has all the structural and functional properties required for life. The book has been divided into 20 chapters”beginning with the origin of biological systems and ending with tools for the study of cells. Every effort has been made to include the most recent information. Each chapter is provided with an adequate number of illustrations.
This book can serve as a basic textbook for students of molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, agriculture and biotechnology, or as a reference book for those interested in learning the fundamentals of cell biology, in particular, the origin, organization and functions of subcellular components and cell types.

Special Features

It is a comprehensive book on Cell Biology
Molecular Biology is a separate volume and will follow
Includes current research findings
Origin of life and the theories of origin of life have been uniquely discussed for the benefit of students, which is generally lacking in most cell biology books.
Chapters and subject information is well organized and systematically presented. This helps reader to access the information easily.
Sufficient number of computer graphics and photomicrographs generated by the author himself has been included for easy understanding and for authenticity; the figures are well labelled and represent the subject appropriately.
16 pages in colour
Large size format

ISBN :9788173717161

Pages : 624
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