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  Business Success: Effective People Management

Business Success: Effective People Management

by Pat Wellington

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  Description: It has never been more important to recruit and retain the right staff for your organization, keeping them engaged and motivated to do their best work. With the right talent a company can beat the competition and grow its market share.
Effective People Management gives reader a robust understanding of all the essential activities involved in managing staff and maintaining high performance “ from selection and interviewing to staff motivation, and from team building to delegating. It offers invaluable advice on how to:

¢ Be a truly effective leader

¢ Create a positive team culture

¢ Monitor performance and set standards

¢ Manage both up and down

¢ Influence others effectively

¢ Develop and reward staff on a limited budget

¢ Deal with problem staff and handle conflict

¢ Facilitate and manage change

With a range of international case studies to illustrate effective management in action and "snapshot ideas" that present the key principles in a ready-to-use format, Effective People Management will show you how to get the best out of yourself and the members of your team.

Contents: Leadership that inspires ¢ The art of leadership ¢ The case for vision with organizational values ¢ Leadership competencies ¢ The science of leadership ¢ Different styles of leadership ¢ What might people rely on to impose their authority? ¢ The differences between a manager and a leader ¢ What makes an effective leader? ¢ Creating a mission and vision (unleashing the power of purpose) ¢ Personal and organizational values ¢ Ethics and social responsibility ¢ Management that engages ¢ Introduction ¢ Your role and responsibilities as a manager ¢ What does it take to create a positive team culture and environment? ¢ Emotional intelligence ¢ Delegation ¢ Summary checklist ¢ Motivation to energize ¢ Introduction ¢ Defining motivation ¢ What is motivation? ¢ The process of motivation ¢ What ˜needs` motivate people? ¢ Motivators ¢ Motivation application ¢ Motivation in practice ¢ Creating a learning environment ¢ Introduction ¢ How ˜learning` manifests itself in an organization ¢ Creating a (departmental) learning and development plan ¢ Creating a departmental leadership programme ¢ Learning and development resources to take action ¢ Efficient and influential personal effectiveness ¢ Introduction ¢ The 80/20 rule “ managing your time ¢ The people element of managing projects ¢ Getting meetings to work effectively ¢ Staff recruitment: selecting and picking winners ¢ Introduction ¢ Starting the selection process for picking winners ¢ Interview preparation stage ¢ Carrying out the interview itself ¢ After the interview ¢ Induction ¢ Motivational performance management ¢ Introduction ¢ The manager and enhancement of performance ¢ Giving effective feedback ¢ The annual performance and development review scheme ¢ Recognizing and rewarding performance to celebrate achievement ¢ Introduction ¢ Rewarding performance ¢ Rewarding performance when no funds are available ¢ Is a reward always necessary? ¢ Career development ¢ Personal skill development ¢ Handling problem staff and conflict ¢ Introduction ¢ The stages of a team`s development ¢ Conflict in the organization ¢ Skills for resolving conflict ¢ Problem solving ¢ Stopping conflict from starting ¢ Handling a conflict situation ¢ Arbitration or handling conflict between others ¢ Problem solving to get results ¢ Introduction ¢ Problem solving and quality improvement process ¢ Step 1: Plan ¢ Step 2: Do ¢ Step 3: Check ¢ Step 4: Act ¢ Managing sustainable change ¢ Introduction ¢ How to aid and support your staff during change ¢ The impact of information technology ¢ The particular requirements for those working on a flexible or part-time basis ¢ Monitoring and managing remotely ¢ Virtual teams ¢ Managing redundancy ¢ Career management to progress ¢ Introduction ¢ Enhancing your profile ¢ Build your network of contacts ¢ Career planning ¢ Index.

About the Author: Pet Wellington is an internationally recognized management consultant who specializes in leadership, team building, business development, change management and customer care. She has facilitated assignments in blue-chip organizations, healthcare providers, United Nations agencies and government bodies.

Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749462857

Pages : 208
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