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  Make That Call! 2/e

Make That Call! 2/E

by Iain Maitland

  Price : Rs 160.00
  Your Price : Rs 144.00
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  Description: Telephone conversations give the outside world an instant impression of you and your company. To ensure that the impression is positive, Make That Call! shows you how to tackle even the toughest conversations with professionalism and style.

Covering everything from dealing with unwanted calls to telesales, the new edition of this practical book provides successful telephone techniques for:

¢ speaking to customers;

¢ handling suppliers;

¢ talking to employees;

¢ controlling personal calls.

Action checklists, summaries and model conversations allow you to assess your progress, while the book`s clear layout enables you to access the relevant conversation when you need to. Make That Call is essential reading for anyone wanting to give the right impression over the phone every time.

Contents: Introduction ¢ Making difficult calls ¢ Planning calls ¢ Handling conversations ¢ Follow-up calls ¢ Winning tactics: your step-by-step checklist ¢ Speaking to customers ¢ The enquiry about products or services ¢ Calling a prospective customer ¢ Asking for an introduction to a would-be customer ¢ Making a sales presentation ¢ The request for a discount, positive response ¢ The request for a discount, negative response ¢ The request for credit, positive response ¢ The request for credit, negative response ¢ Closing a sale ¢ Getting through a personal assistant ¢ Following up a sale ¢ The request for a customer reference ¢ Apologising for undelivered goods ¢ The complaint about products or services ¢ Answering a complaint, positive response ¢ Answering a complaint, negative response ¢ Chasing a debt, first call ¢ Chasing a debt, second call ¢ Chasing a debt, third call ¢ The request for a delayed payment schedule, positive response ¢ The request for a delayed payment proposal, negative response ¢ Calling a customer who has not used their account for some time ¢ Calling a customer who has closed their account ¢ Talking to suppliers ¢ The call from a sales representative ¢ The call from a market researcher ¢ The call from a persistent sales representative ¢ Stopping unwanted sales calls ¢ Enquiring about goods and services ¢ Requesting a discount ¢ Asking for credit terms ¢ Chasing overdue products or services, agreeable delivery date ¢ Chasing overdue products or services, disagreeable delivery date ¢ Rejecting damaged goods ¢ Making a complaint, accepted ¢ Making a complaint, rejected ¢ Querying a bill ¢ Asking to return unsold goods ¢ Requesting increased credit facilities ¢ The demand for payment ¢ Asking for extended credit facilities, accepted ¢ Asking for extended credit facilities, refused ¢ Conversing with employees ¢ The speculative enquiry about a possible job opportunity ¢ Inviting a job applicant to an interview ¢ Conducting a telephone interview ¢ The enquiry from a job applicant ¢ Asking for a reference ¢ Making a job offer accepted ¢ Making a job offer, rejected ¢ The enquiry from a job applicant ¢ The notification of sickness ¢ Calling an absent employee ¢ Counselling an unhappy employee with work-related problems ¢ Counselling an unhappy employee with personal difficulties ¢ Thanking a colleague ¢ Praising an employee ¢ Encouraging an employee to improve ¢ Disciplining an employee ¢ Giving a reference about an employee ¢ Handling personal calls ¢ Enquiring about prospective job opportunities, known contact ¢ Enquiring about prospective job opportunities, unknown contact ¢ The invitation to an interview ¢ The telephone interview ¢ The offer of employment, positive response ¢ The offer of employment, negative response ¢ Asking for a meeting ¢ The request for a meeting, positive response ¢ The request for a meeting, negative response ¢ Introducing an associate to a third party ¢ Thanking an associate for an introduction ¢ Congratulating someone on their promotion ¢ Congratulating someone on an award ¢ Thanking someone for an award ¢ Thanking someone for a present ¢ Sympathising with someone on the loss of their job ¢ Sympathising with someone on a business failure ¢ Sympathising with someone on the death of their partner ¢ Managing miscellaneous calls ¢ Asking for a donation ¢ Thanking someone for a donation ¢ The request for a donation, positive response ¢ The request for a donation, negative response ¢ Asking for a favour ¢ The request for a favour, positive response ¢ The request for a favour, negative response ¢ Offering a favour ¢ The offer of a favour, positive response ¢ The offer of a favour, negative response ¢ Calling a newsdesk ¢ Calling a features editor ¢ The press interview ¢ The radio interview ¢ Declining an interview ¢ Correcting an inaccurate story ¢ Congratulating someone on a favourable story ¢ Reminding someone of a promise ¢ Reminding someone of an obligation ¢ Inviting someone to an event ¢ The invitation to an event, positive response ¢ The invitation to an event, negative response ¢ Calling the emergency services ¢ The obscene telephone call ¢ The silent telephone call

About the Author: Iain Maitland is a management consultant and the author of more than 40 other books, including Write That Letter!, also published by Kogan Page.

Target Audience: Corporates, professionals, tele-callers, call-centre employees.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175544550

Pages : 176
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