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  Confidence at Work

Confidence At Work

by Ros Taylor

  Price : Rs 225.00
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  Description: Being confident is the foundation of success. It empowers you to do more and to do it better.

Confidence at Work will help you understand how to grow you confidence and get ahead.

Beginning with a detailed questionnaire to help you find your confidence quotient, and tackling the issues of body language, emotional capability and influencing skills, Confidence at Work will teach you the secrets of charisma. It includes:

¢ twenty case studies of successful people from all walks of life

¢ interviews with headhunters to find out what they look for in an ideal employee

¢ essential advice to help you to become a sellable commodity

Packed with valuable insights and theories, Confidence at Work is an essential read that will help you to excel at work, get promoted or change your career.


Before we start ¢ Confidence starts here ¢ PART ONE ¢ Who are you anyway...? ¢ Bring yourself to work ¢ Working strengths ¢ Nature versus nurture ¢ Reflections of childhood ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Eric Berne`s transactional analysis ¢ The parent ego ¢ The child ego ¢ The adult ego ¢ Transactional analysis at work ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Albert Bandura`s theory of self-efficacy ¢ The inspiration of the red rubber ball ¢ Getting control of your life ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Martin Seligman`s learned optimism ¢ Humour ¢ Learned optimism ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ HJ Eysenck`s theory of extraversion introversion ¢ Extraversion ¢ Introversion ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Friedman and Rosenman`s theory of Type A and Type B behaviours ¢ Anger ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Life`s rich tapestry ¢ Barlinnie Prison ¢ Entrepreneurship ¢ Finding your voice ¢ My confidence role models ¢ Your confidence role models ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ PART TWO ¢ Branding for confidence ¢ Bird`s eye view of branding ¢ Business branding ¢ First impressions ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Great expectations ¢ What are you looking for? ¢ The career confidence formula ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Knowing the words to the song ¢ Your leadership style ¢ Telling your story ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ The user-friendly confident you ¢ Impact ¢ Thought ¢ Emotion ¢ Action ¢ Branding you ¢ The one-minute branding workout ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ PART THREE ¢ Influencing for confidence at work ¢ Likeability and similarity ¢ Influencing body language and its meaning ¢ Similarity ¢ Mirroring ¢ Equality ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Knee-jerk thinking, reward and reciprocity ¢ Knee-jerk thinking ¢ Reward ¢ Reciprocity ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Handling challenging people with elegance ¢ The DESC script ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Perseverance and enthusiasm ¢ Perseverance ¢ Enthusiasm ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Confident networking ¢ What networking is not ¢ What networking is ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ PART FOUR ¢ Be a confident leader ¢ Be aspirational ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Be conscientious ¢ Bimbo ¢ Boeing ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Be cool ¢ Relaxation ¢ The power minute ¢ Advantages of relaxation ¢ A work-life audit ¢ Understanding your power ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Be bold, have ideas ¢ Confidence, creativity and you ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Be charismatic - the ultimate in confidence at work ¢ Steps to confidence at work ¢ Some final thoughts

About the Author:

Ros Tayor is a leading UK psychologist, executive coach, successful businesswoman, accomplished author and TV and radio presenter. She filmed a series for the BBC called Confidence Zone and featured on BBC1`s Scambusters series. A popular phschologist and adviser, she has appeared on the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Sky News and features regularly in the national press and magazines. She was named by the Independent on Sunday as one of the top ten coaches in Britain. Ros is visiting professor at Strathclyde Business School. www.rostaylorgroup.com

Target Audience: Personality Development, General Public
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Prices are subject to change without prior notic isbn 9780749461218

Pages : 184
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