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  How People Tick, 2/e

How People Tick, 2/E

by Mike Leibling

  Price : Rs 250.00
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  Reviews:"Packed with tips on how to tame the irritating people you are ever likely to meet."

Octavius Black, Managing Director, The Mind Gym

˜Ready takeaways to help resolve tricky situations.`

The Hindu Business Line

"Leibling has a lot experience of dealing with difficult colleagues¦and has tips on how to deal with them all."

The Sunday Times

"Divides the workplace into personality types and gives the appropriate advice for dealing with each one."

The Guardian

"Hell is other people¦But once you know what is wrong with them, there is a way to cope."

The Times

"This is fantastic¦stuffed with succinct advice. A thoroughly useful book “ highly recommended."

European Business

Description: This new edition of How People Tick is a practical guide to over 50 types of difficult people such as Angry People, Blamers, Impatient People and Workaholics. Each difficult situation is described, how it happens is analyzed, and then strategies to help you deal with the problem are suggested. Disruptive behavior patterns can be addressed once and for all, instead of having to handle one-off "difficult" events, time and time again. It will help you to deal with even more difficult types than the first edition, such as:

¢ Disrespectful people

¢ Plodders

¢ Gossips

¢ Princesses (and Princes)

¢ Mbnust-have-the-last-word people

¢ U-turners

Absolutbnely invaluable to everybody, How People Tick is full of tried and tested tips for handing "difficult" people in "difficult" situations, based on a real understanding of their behavior. It is an essential read- if you find people bewildering or just plain difficult, and yet still want to understand them, work with them and live with them.

Contents: Introduction ¢ Angry people ¢ Anxious people ¢ Apologetic People ¢ Biased people ¢ Blamers ¢ Boring people ¢ Bullies ¢ Change-resistant people ¢ Charmers ¢ Cold people ¢ Competitive people ¢ Confused people ¢ Difficult people ¢ Disobedient people ¢ Disrespectful people ¢ Dumpers ¢ Embarrassed people ¢ Forgetful people ¢ Gossipy people ¢ Hostile people ¢ Impatient people ¢ Impetuous, implusive people ¢ Indecisive people ¢ Insecure people ¢ Insincere people ¢ Last-minuters ¢ Late people ¢ Loners ¢ Messy people ¢ Moody people ¢ Must-have-the-last-word people ¢ Negative people ¢ Nit-picky people ¢ Patronizing people ¢ Phobic people ¢ Plodders ¢ Princesses and princes ¢ Repeaters ¢ Scatter-gum thinkers ¢ Selfish people ¢ Show-offs ¢ Stressed people ¢ Unassertive people ¢ Unenthusiastic people ¢ Unfulfilled people ¢ Unmotivated people ¢ Unrealistic people ¢ Untrusting people ¢ U-turners ¢ Workaholics ¢ Yes people

About the Author: Mike Leibling is a mentor, coach and writer. Having worked at Saatchi & Saatchi he founded Strategy Strategy to help people and organizations to move on in difficult situations, or preferably to avoid them in the first place.

Target Audience: General public ISBN 9788175544949

Pages : 220
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