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  Learning the Law, 11th Edn., (Indian Economy Reprint)

Learning The Law, 11Th Edn., (Indian Economy Reprint)

by Williams Glanville

  Price : Rs 150.00
  Your Price : Rs 130.50
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  Learning the Law is unique among law books. It does not say what the laws is; rather, it aims to be a Guide, Philosopher and Friend to the reader at every stage of his legal studies. For the new student, after a brief history and outline of the English legal system, there is a great deal of information and advice to help the reader gain the maximum advantage from his studies. The book introduces legal problems and describes how to tackle them, how to look up points of law and how to make the best use of the time available for study. This is followed by a most helpful discussion on how to prepare for and keep calm during examinations. A long chapter on careers gives helpful advice on the opportunities available, both within the legal profession and outside it.

Since the first edition was published, in 1945, Learning the Law has been used and praised by countless teachers, students and reviewers, not only in the legal profession but also in other disciplines. It has been commended to readers of the legal periodicals and of many professional journals.

The new edition has been fully updated, and will be essential reading for anyone embarking on the study of law or on a course that includes and elements of law.

ISBN : 9788175340060

Pages : 249
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