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  Lives of the Judges - Jessel, Cairns, Bowen and Bramwell, (Indian Economy Reprint)

Lives Of The Judges - Jessel, Cairns, Bowen And Bramwell, (Indian Economy Reprint)

by Edmund Heward

  Price : Rs 275.00
  Your Price : Rs 239.25
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  These four biographies are more than `snapshots` of four distinguished Juddges of the past - they are biographies which have made a distinct and distinguished contribution to the Common Law. All four belonged to the 19th Century: two (Jessel and Cairns) were also Members of Parliament - but all made different contributions to various areas of the law. Each one of Heward`s subjects makes interesting reading. Jessel, for example, was the subject of an apparent assassination attempt - but although he had been deafended by this in one ear, apart from writing a reassuring letter to his wife, he proceeded to his usual task of presiding in court.

Cairns was said to be of all the members of Disraeli`s two cabinets, which included him, the one whom he trusted most. Twice he became Lord Chancellor - the second time in 1874 (incidentally, as the author informs us, when the Lord Chancellor had virtually no staff).

Lord Bowen was not only the possessor of a superb intellect, but was also a good sportsman and wit. Involved in the Tichborne Claimant case, he acted for the claimant - it was not before the 70th day that he concluded his case; his friends thought that the mental stress on Bowen was tremendous and it seriously undermined his constitution and probably did him irreparable harm. Following his appointment as a Judge at the age of 45, with regret he gave up his practice at the Bar and abandoned his ambitions for a career in Parliament.

Bramwell was said to be one of the most popular members of the Bar as a result of his kindness and sense of humour. An interesting man, the author shows his diverse talents, including a small section entitled `Bramwelliana` - a collection of pieces showing his thoughts and wit.

All in all, Edmund Heward has produced a book which is most certainly not dull, but one likely to pleasantly inform the reader about four outstanding Victorians who contributed so much to the Legal Service.

ISBN : 9788175344539

Pages : 259
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