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  Engineering Mathematics II(Linear Algebra and its Applications( for GTU)

Engineering Mathematics Ii(Linear Algebra And Its Applications( For Gtu)

by Gilbert Strang

  Price : Rs 275.00
  Your Price : Rs 233.75
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  Engineering Mathematics II is primarily designed to serve as a textbook for undergraduate students of engineering and completely conforms to the second semester syllabus of Gujarat Technological University. The book has been carefully developed to cover all topics that are essential to impart an understanding of mathematics to students.
Beginning with the study of matrices and determinants, the book proceeds to provide a comprehensive coverage of important concepts such as vector spaces, orthogonality, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, positive definite matrices, computations with matrices, and linear programming and game theory. Topics such as intersection, sum, and product of spaces and Jordan form are discussed in appendices to the text.
Written in a student-friendly manner, the book contains a large number of solved examples to provide a good and clear understanding of the concepts discussed. Figures and tables interspersed throughout the book successfully supplement the text. Solved problems and unsolved exercises have been included at the end of each chapter to test students� knowledge regarding the topics covered therein. Previous years� question papers have been included at the end of the book with their solutions to familiarize students with the examination pattern and provide an idea of the kind of questions asked ISBN 9788131513323

Pages : 512
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