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  Key to New Provisions in Civil Procedure, (Reprint 2006)

Key To New Provisions In Civil Procedure, (Reprint 2006)

by Midha J.R.

  Price : Rs 80.00
  Your Price : Rs 69.60
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  The Code of Civil Procedure has been drastically amended by the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) 1999 and the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2002, which were notified on 1st July, 2002. The legislature has made the amendments to expedite the disposal of civil suits and proceedings so that justice is not delayed. Provisions have been made to cut short the delays at various levels. The purpose of this book is to explain the amendments of the Code of Civil Procedure in a simple and plain language filtering out the unnecessary legal jargon. The important amendments have been given in the same sequence as they occur during the actual Court proceedings, i.e., starting from the institution of the suit to the decision, appeal and revision. The amendments stipulate a time schedule to be adhered to at different stages of a case. The prescribed time frame has been reproduced in a table form for easy reference. The gist of the important amendments together with Objects and Reasons of the Amendment Acts has also been given. The amended provisions occur in the book alongwith their applicability and pre-amendment version. The text of the Amendment Acts has also been appended.

ISBN : 9788175343146

Pages : 99
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