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  ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University, 2/e

Actionscript 3.0 Game Programming University, 2/E

by Gary Rosenzweig

  Price : Rs 699.00
  Your Price : Rs 573.18
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  Gary Rosenzweig`s ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University, Second Edition is the best hands-on tutorial for learning ActionScript 3.0, the programming language behind Flash Professional CS5. Readers will master all the basics of ActionScript programming by building 16 robust games. One step at a time, they`ll learn techniques (and get tested code) that can be adapted to virtually any project, from games to training and advertising. The first edition earned widespread raves; Rosenzweig has now updated it with seven brand-new games that teach even more valuable ActionScript 3.0 skills and techniques. Readers first learn how Flash and ActionScript 3.0 work together, the elements of an ActionScript program, and how to build a basic game framework with ActionScript. Next, Rosenzweig walks through building the full spectrum of ActionScript games, including brain games, animation-based games, picture puzzles, games based on direction and movement, casual games, word games, Q and A games, action games, game worlds, and more. This edition adds new chapters on card games and 3D games, with High-Low, Video Poker, Blackjack, 3D Paddle Ball, 3D Scavenger Hunt, and two other new projects.


Pages : 552
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