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  	Fit to Bust

Fit To Bust

by Tim Philips

  Price : Rs 325.00
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  Description: There will always be business failures but when you look at who fails, when and how, it`s often shocking how far and how fast great companies can fall.
Fit to Bust is an eye-opening investigation of the causes of that failure whether it`s a global financial crisis or a single disastrous decision that undermines years of hard work.
Tim Phillips casts a wry eye over the biggest business disasters of recent history and some older ˜classic` failures to provide you with the inside story behind the news stories, from the collapse of Enron to the downfall of RBS, to understand why smart people make bad decisions.

Darkly entertaining, informative and engaging, Fit to Bust investigates the causes of business failure. Reaching beyond the headlines, author Tim Phillips takes you into the boardroom and inside the minds of those responsible for the dramatic failures of their companies.
Profiling the once mighty corporations that went from boom to bust, including Northern Rock, Enron and Lehman Brothers, this book is an eye-opening account of the catastropic events leading to their downfall. Whether the collapse was due to the global financial crisis or one individual`s reckless actions, the fatally flawed business strategies are clearly presented here in a broad range of case studies.

Fit to Bust is also about our obsessive desire for success and how that destroys good companies. The cautionary tales provide us all with valuable lessons for the future, and they might help you spot a disaster if you are willing to look critically at the companies you work for, invest in and buy from.
Contents: Bad Behaviour ¢ Stuff happens ¢ Can we build to last? ¢ A word on classification ¢ Too good to fail ¢ Isn`t that mean to be a£ 50 million? ¢ Benard Madoff ¢ The meanest SOBc Worldcom ¢ Ask why Enron ¢ The numbers game ¢ It worked last time ¢ Living above your means Northern Rock ¢ Breaking the Queen`s bank Barings Bank ¢ Easy money The Mississippi Company ¢ Glory chasers Leeds United plc ¢ Upselling the dream ¢ Modern Rambos ¢ Chainsaw Al Dunlap vs Sunbeam ¢ These people Bear Stearns ¢ Mr Crapner Ratners ¢ The man who always paid Clarence Hatry ¢ Heads they win, tails we lose ¢ All together now ¢ Frozen assets Iceland ¢ An undertaking of great advantage The South Sea Company ¢ Astounding and momentous failure General Motors ¢ The smell of dead animals Albania ¢ MRDA ¢ Great fools ¢ Feeding risk Lehman Brothers ¢ Confidence at its height The Tulip Mania ¢ The greatest financier Home-Stake Production Co ¢ Boys will be Boys ¢ Look what we made ¢ A fitting start to the 21st century AOL Time Warner ¢ Breaking up is hard to do Royal Bank of Scotland and ABN AMRO ¢ Shooting the messenger Bank of Scotland and Halifax ¢ To infinity, and beyond ¢ When mergers go bad ¢ Almost revolutionary ¢ Enhanced securitization AIG ¢ The money machine Long Term Capital management ¢ Paying the price Letsbuyit.com ¢ The next level Digiscents ¢ Bigger that the internet Segway ¢ The invisible hand

About the Author: Tim Phillips is a freelance journalist and has written for the Wall Street Journal Europe, the International Herald Tribune, The Times and the Sunday Times, the Observer, the Daily Telegraph, the Independent and the Daily Express among others. He is a frequent guest on BBC television and radio and Sky News, as well as a regular conference speaker. He is also the author of Knockoff: The deadly trade in counterfeit goods and a co-author of the best-selling Scoring Points (both published by Kogan Page)

Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749460136

Pages : 216
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