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  Operations Management

Operations Management

by Donald Waters

  Price : Rs 295.00
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Title Operations Management
Authors Donald Waters
ISBN 9788175545236
Format Paperback
Pages 224
Size 153 x 229 mm
Pub. Year 2010
Price Rs. 295.00
Sale territory India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, .
Status In Stock

about the book

Description: Organizations are now placing much more emphasis on operations management. This is mainly due to increased international competition, improved production processes, more emphasis on product quality and changing customer expectations. Organizations now have to recognize that to be successful, they must supply the products that their customers want. This latest book describes the main themes of operations management and places it in context with the other essential functions of the organization.

To emphasize the importance of operations management in all types of organization, the subject is approached from a practical viewpoint and concentrates on concepts currently in use, such as:

¢ concurrent development;

¢ process-centred organizations;

¢ supply chain management;

¢ JIT (just-in-time operations);

¢ quality management.

Highlighting strategic issues, Operations Management shows managers how to help their organizations to succeed in the increasingly demanding business environment.

Contents: Preface ¢ Operations, process and managers ¢ Operations make products ¢ Operations managers ¢ Decisions in operations management ¢ Other important decisions ¢ Chapter review ¢ Further reading ¢ Operations strategy ¢ Levels of decision ¢ Strategic decisions ¢ Operations strategy ¢ Other operations management decisions ¢ Chapter review ¢ Further reading ¢ Product planning and design ¢ Products and processes ¢ Product life cycle ¢ Operations and the life cycle ¢ Developing new products ¢ Concurrent development ¢ Product design ¢ Chapter review ¢ Further reading ¢ Forecasting demand ¢ Planning for the process ¢ Levels of production planning ¢ Ways of forecasting ¢ Errors in forecasts ¢ Chapter review ¢ Further reading ¢ Designing the process ¢ Process planning ¢ Process-centred organizations ¢ Process design ¢ Process technologies ¢ Automation in services ¢ Choosing the right level of technology ¢ Layouts for different types of process ¢ Chapter review ¢ Further reading ¢ Planning for the process ¢ Resource planning ¢ Capacity of a process ¢ Approach to capacity planning ¢ Capacity planning ¢ Period covered by plans ¢ Adjustments to capacity ¢ Aggregate plans ¢ Master production schedule ¢ Chapter review ¢ Further reading ¢ Short-term scheduling ¢ Planning and scheduling ¢ Scheduling jobs on machines ¢ Scheduling materials ¢ Job design ¢ Control of schedules ¢ Chapter review ¢ Further reading ¢ MRP and JIT ¢ Dependent and independent demand ¢ Material requirements planning (MRP) ¢ Just-in-time operations (JIT) ¢ Chapter review ¢ Further reading ¢ Quality management ¢ Definitions of quality ¢ Measuring quality ¢ Quality control ¢ Costs of quality ¢ Total quality management (TQM) ¢ Chapter review ¢ Further reading ¢ Measuring and improving performance ¢ Measures of performance ¢ Productivity ¢ Comparing performance ¢ Process improvement ¢ Motivating employees ¢ Chapter review ¢ Further reading ¢ Managing the supply chain ¢ Logistics ¢ Location ¢ Procurement ¢ Physical distribution ¢ Importance of logistics ¢ Chapter review ¢ Further reading ¢ Index

About the Author: Donald Waters is the successful author of many books and papers on operations management. He has lectured extensively in operational research and management science, his latest academic appointment being Professor of Operations Management at the University of Calgary.

Target Audience: Production heads at business houses and academics and students of management.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175545236

Pages : 224
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