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  Proust Was a Neuroscientist (Hardcover)

Proust Was A Neuroscientist (Hardcover)

by Jonah Lehrer

  Price : Rs 699.00
  Your Price : Rs 559.20
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  "Is science the only path to knowledge? In this sparkling and provocative book Jonah Lehrer, author of The Decisive Moment, explains that when it comes to understanding the brain, art got there first. Taking a group of celebrated writers, painters and composers, Lehrer shows us how artists have discovered truths about the human mind - real, tangible truths - that science is only now rediscovering. We learn, for example, how Proust first revealed the fallibility of memory; how George Eliot understood the brain`s malleable nature; how the French chef Escoffier intuited umami (the fifth taste); how CAzanne worked out the subtleties of vision; and how Virginia Woolf pierced the mysteries of consciousness. It`s a riveting tale of art trumping science, again and again."

ISBN : 9781847677853

Pages : 256
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