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  Animal Laws of India, 4th Edn.

Animal Laws Of India, 4Th Edn.

by Gandhi Maneka, Ozair Husain & Raj Panjwani

  Price : Rs 1695.00
  Your Price : Rs 1474.65
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  The law, effectively harnessed, can become the most potent weapon in the fight against animal abuse and exploitation. Interpreted with courage and compassion, it can extend the maximum protection to living beings that cannot speak or fight for themselves.

Animals are an integral part of the Indian economy and ecology. In their portection lies our own survival. Yet Animal Law has remained a largely neglected arena with few people even aware of the existence of codes that govern ourA‚ use ofA‚ animals. As a result, animals in our country have suffered enormous violence and victimisation.

To bring about the ethical treatment of animals it is necessary to make Animal Law both familiar and accessible. This book is a first step in that direction. It is a comprehensive compilation of the laws as it applies to draught, domestic, wild, experimental, meat, performing and every pet animal. It is designed to provide the layperson with a fundamental understanding and working knowledge of these laws as well as equip the expert with a clear,. concise, easily referred-to resource. It is a practical handbook that shows you what you can do when you see an overloaded bullock cart, a performing monkey or ivory and shahtoosh on sale. Its purpose is to empower the citizens of India to use the strength of the law to protect animals against human greed and cruelty. It is a must-have manual for all those who wish to sustain informed compaigns in defence of these voiceless victims.

ISBN : 9788175349902

Pages : 1539
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