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  Factories Act, 1948 with FAQs

Factories Act, 1948 With Faqs

by Dr. J.P. Sharma

  Price : Rs 200.00
  Your Price : Rs 200.00
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  Labour Law is a subject that is constantly evolving under the influence of new legislations, judicial interpretations, and the impact of foreign law on labour and industrial relations practice. This book on Factories Act, 1948 is designed to provide answers to the most frequently raised queries on the subject of factories law and issues related to it. Foremost aim while writing this book has been to produce a text which is broadly comprehensive in nature and presents the law in a most simple and readable manner. To assist the reader in understanding the law better, the provisions in this book at various places have been broken in graphic display. Cases and the judgments delivered on them have been presented in tabular form. The Act has been preceded by its historical background to generate interest amongst the users about the periodic growth and development of the Factories Act in the country. To ensure clarity and easy understanding of the subject, each concept has been supported by judicial interpretation and case laws, at appropriate places. The book would be of immense use to students of management & law, legal practitioners, chartered accountants, company secretaries, cost accountants, managers, law officers, employers, employees, trade unions, and all those interested in the study of Factories Act, 1948 and Rules under it.
ISBN: 9788177335255

Pages : 256
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