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  Law For Doctors 150 Questions Answered

Law For Doctors 150 Questions Answered

by Dr. M C Gupta

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 295.00
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  Litigation against doctors has increased markedly during last 25 years. The trend got a fillip in 1986 after the passage of the Consumer protection act,1986, and furthermore in 1995 after Supreme Court`s judgment in IMA v. V.P. shantha, SC, decided on 13.11.1995. It was in such circumstances that after retiring from service, the senior author, MCG, decided to practice law and joined the Barin 2001 so as to help the medical profession which was not able to defend itself properly in the absence of advocates having a medical background.

In the present book several queries of a medicolegal nature were posed and discussed. In addition, they have been responding on internet to medico-legal queries from doctors all over India on a daily basis. We have received frequent requests to bring out these questions and answers in a compact form so that these may be of use to doctors in general. The present compilation is in response to such requests.

In the present format, the reader may fell free to pick up any question that is of interest to him and may read the answer, without any apprehension that not reading the preceding material would in any way hamper his understanding. It is expected that the book will be useful not only for doctors but also others such as lawyers, medical and law students and,even, the public/patients. It is our strong belief that knowledge empowers everybody and that awareness of law is essential for every citizen,doctors and patients included.


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