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  Kerala Economy

Kerala Economy

by Meera Bai M.

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  Kerala is a region where everything is dynamic. With its beautiful land, educated people and rich culture Kerala is unique in many ways. Kerala has been witnessing major changes since 1991 as a result of various structural adjustment programmes initiated by the central and state governments as a part of economic reforms. As a result of these reforms, the face of Kerala economy has taken a new shape and form. If Kerala was the first and foremost destination point for tourists, it is the investors` paradise, now. With its beautiful land, educated people and rich culture Kerala is unique in many ways. Kerala has been witnessing many changes in its economy since the turn of the 1990s. As a result, the structure of the economy has taken a new shape and form. If Kerala was the first and foremost destination point for the tourists, it is the investors` paradise too, now. ˜Smart cities` is a household name in Kerala. Even remote villages are also trying to become smarter along the same line as that of the cities. This edited volume, a collection of 14 papers deals with some of the emerging trends in the economy of the state. The recent development experience of Kerala seems to be very different from that of previous decades. Yes. Kerala economy is growing and that too at an impressive rate with all the attendant virtues and vices. A close look at the development journey of the state reveals certain interesting as well as disturbing trends which need special attention from scholars. In particular, the developments in the Information Communication Technologies (ICT) have opened up both considerable opportunities and formidable challenges to the economy of Kerala. In this race for achieving faster all round growth, it is often forgotten as to what is happening to its people and places? If development is meant for people, will they get it and really enjoy the fruits of it? If not, what are the factors responsible for such a state of affairs? Is Kerala winning the heights of growth and development or withering away in its race for achieving growth? These issues will be discussed on the basis of the unique development experience in certain sectors of the state since 1991ISBN : 9788183871334

Pages : 306
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