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   	 Flex 3 Cookbook

Flex 3 Cookbook

by Todd Anderson

  Price : Rs 600.00
  Your Price : Rs 510.00
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  The best way to showcase a powerful technology is to demonstrate its real-world effects, and that`s exactly what this Cookbook does with Adobe Flex 3.

Wide-ranging and highly practical, Flex 3 Cookbook contains more than 300 tried-and-true recipes for developing interactive Rich Internet Applications and Web 2.0 sites. You`ll find everything from Flex basics to solutions for working with visual components and data access to tips on application development, unit testing, and using Adobe AIR.

You`ll also get ideas from the development community. At Adobe`s Flex Cookbook web site (www. adobe.com/devnetf), developers were invited to post their own solutions for working with Flex 3; the best and most useful solutions are included in this book, as well as hundreds of original recipes from the authors.

Each recipe provides a solution to a common problem, explains how and why it works, and offers sample code that you can put to use immediately. ISBN: 9788184045246

Pages : 798
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