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  One Click

One Click

by Richard Brandt

  Price : Rs 499.00
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  Amazon`s business model is deceptively simple: make online shopping so easy and convenient that customers won`t think twice. Yet Amazon`s success is largely down to CEO and founder Jeff Bezos, a man described as both a `happy-go-lucky mogul` and a `notorious micromanager`. His high energy, passionate approach to retailing has driven Amazon to the top.

Jeff Bezos is smart. Originally a computer geek, he had the vision to capitalise on the untapped online market for books. He`s also a calculating machine who creates `deal-flow` charts for every major decision, from what business to create to how to choose a spouse. One Click explores what makes Bezos. Through detailed research and interviews with Amazon employees, competitors and observers, Richard Brandt has deciphered how Bezos thinks, what drives his actions and how he makes his business decisions.

Amazon.com was waiting to be discovered. It took Bezos`s unique character and strategy to make it happen. Anyone in the business world can learn from his reinvention of the retail landscape.

ISBN - 9780670920662

Pages : 224
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