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  The Undressed Manager

The Undressed Manager

by Jim Myers

  Price : Rs 195.00
  Your Price : Rs 195.00
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  We have `Word for Dummies`.... `Marketing for Idiots`.... and hundreds of `How to Do Books`.... and NOW we have `the undressed manager`! Have you ever seen a billion dollars? Can you imagine what a couple hundred billion dollars looks like....or perhaps a better question on what would you spend hundreds of billions of dollars on?

The answer is poverty.... HIV and AIDS.... refugees.... starvation, education, electrification. So why do we still have so many poor, uneducated, starving people in the 21st century? Indeed a good question, with several possible answers.

The author of `the undressed manager` believes that a big part of the problem lies in poor management practices.... NOT mis-management.... that`s a whole other issue.... just plain old lack of knowing how to identify the "real" problems, how to find solutions and how to manage the basic resources of people, equipment and money for undertaking development projects.

`the undressed manager` is an attempt.... and hopefully a good one.... that tries to get people back to the BASICS when thinking about, designing, planning and implementing humanitarian type, development programs and projects. This book is a `how to` guide, a reference and management training handbook.... all wrapped up into one.... and with out the `development set jargon` that tends to be confusing to most of us anyway.

The handbook starts at the beginning with the necessities of setting up an organization and ends with the handing over of your project. The step by step process, written in a simple, understandable language ....contains all the needed ingredients for managing every aspect of a development project. Enjoy using it.... and most of all enjoy adding your own experiences to the handbook for others use.

Pages : 217
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