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  Children With Dyslexia - A Handbook For Parents & Teachers

Children With Dyslexia - A Handbook For Parents & Teachers

by Dushyant Kushwah

  Price : Rs 240.00
  Your Price : Rs 240.00
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  Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects a large number of population of children and adults across the world leading them to feel dumb, depressed and isolated. As a result, many potential creative geniuses-many Einstein`s and Da Vincis-have been stigmatized and pushed aside. In most cases, early diagnosis is the first step towards addressing their problems.

How do these children cope with their condition? How to detect their learning disability? What should parents & teachers know about these children? This book takes a close look at these crucial issues. It also describes its causes and symptoms, ways of its diagnosis, and the teaching methods that work. It also incorporates real-life stories of some dyslexic children, brief biographical sketches & achievements of famous dyslexic personalities, films dealing with the problem of dyslexia, and reliable institutions that work with dyslexics and their families. Finally, it gives advice to parents and teachers addressing some specific questions related to dyslexia.isbn-9788189973766

Pages : 188
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