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  Amartya Sen`s Hindu Bash

Amartya Sen`S Hindu Bash

by V. S. Sardesai

  Price : Rs 170.00
  Your Price : Rs 170.00
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  The volume is an erudite work on Nobel Laureate Prof. Amartya Sen`s perception of Hinduism and the Hindus as evident in his books The Argumentative Indian and Identity and Violence. It examines Sen`s stinging views on Hindutva and Hindu culture. The author argues that the work engages in Hindu-baiting and scrutinizes certain discrepancies that have crept in as a result of accepting theories, such as Sri Rama was a myth and Ramayana is a parable, uncritically. The book also comments on Prof. Sen`s allegations that Hindu political activists nowadays pay little heed to the `tolerant` Hindu tradition and are bent upon rewriting history to suit their own ideologies.

This painstaking analysis will prove extremely interesting to a wide variety of readers: the scholars of Indology and religion, historians and to the general readers as well.isbn-9788189973087

Pages : 102
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