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  Zoology for Degree Students B.Sc. I yr

Zoology For Degree Students B.Sc. I Yr

by Dr.V.K.Agarwal

  Price : Rs 999.00
  Your Price : Rs 879.12
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  Description: This books contains topics of four branches of Zoology , namely, Lower Non-Chordata, Higher Non-Chordata, Cell Biology and Genetics. This textbook is meant for Degree students of all Indian Universities. It has been developed according to UGC Model Curriculum. Certain keynote aspects of this textbook are as follows: > Carefully redrawn diagrams to explain the text. | > Boxed information for those who always want more. | > At the end of each chapter has been provided a wide spectrum of questions such as Long type Answer Questions, Short Type Questions, Very Short Answer Questions, Fill in the Blanks, True and False Questions, MCQ`s have also been provided.
Contents: Unit I : Animal Diversity-I ( Nonchordata :Lower & Higher) Part A : Lower Non-Chordates (Invertebrates) >> Introduction | Protozoa | Euglena | Monocystis | Trypanosoma | Paramecium | Locomotion in Protozoa | Nutrition in Protozoa | Reproduction in Protozoa | Protozoa and Diseases | Phylum Porifera characters, Classification and Types | Leucosolenia | Scypha | much more .....|| Part B: Higher Non-Chordata >> Phylum Annelida | Nereis | Hirudinaria granulosa | Metamerism and Coelom in Annelida | Trochophore Larva and its significance | Phylum Arthopoda | Palaemon | Scorpion | Zoological Importance of Limulus | Economic Importance of Insects | Insect Pest Management | Phylum Mollusca | much more ....||| Unit-II : Cell Biology & Biochemistry >> Introduction | Cell Biological Techniques | Prokaryotic Cell and Eukaryotic Cell | Viruses | The Macromolecules of the Cell | Cellular Energy Trasductions | Plasma Membrane and Cell wall | Cell Junctions, Cell Adhesions and the Extracellular Matrix | Cell Membrane and Cell Wall | Cell Junctions and Cell Adhesion and The Extracellualt Matrix | Cell Signalling | Cytoskeletal System and Cellular Movement | Much more.....|||| Unit-III : Genetics >> Introuction | Laws of Heredity| Dominance, Incomplete, Dominance and Codominance | Linkage | Crossing Over | Linkage Maps | Varities and Gene Expressions I | Varities of Gene Expression II | The Gene | Sex Chromosomes , Sex Determinationa and Sex Differentiation | Sex Linkage | Non Chormosomes | Much more...|| ISBN 8121935504

Pages : 1536
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