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  Displaced By Development : Confronting Marginalisation And Gender Injustice

Displaced By Development : Confronting Marginalisation And Gender Injustice

by Lyla Mehta

  Price : Rs 850.00
  Your Price : Rs 765.00
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  This compilation is a rare attempt to apply gender analysis to development-induced-displacement and resettlement in the Indian context. It brings together leading scholar-activists, researchers and contributors from peoplea’s movements to critique and draw attention to the injustices perpetrated during such processes. Facing up to the need to focus specifically on how displacement and resettlement affect social groups differently with regard to axes such as gender, class, caste and tribe, the articles show that disenfranchised groups are deemed dispensable and tend to be affected the most, and that women and children among them suffer disproportionately.

Displaced by Development: Confronting Marginalisation and Gender Injustice argues that without differentiated analyses and programmes, displacement and resettlement will continue to intensify and perpetuate gender and social injustice. This work will hold the interest of a wide readership and will be a crucial source of information for those working in the areas of Gender and Social Policy, Economics and Development Studies, Sociology of Gender, Environment and Development, Migration Studies, Anthropology, and South Asian studies. It will also interest policy makers in development agencies, activists and non-governmental organisations concerned with forced displacement and migration issues.isbn-9788178299006

Pages : 356
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