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  Peace And Happiness Through Life Management

Peace And Happiness Through Life Management

by Dr. C. Swamidas

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 396.00
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  This book is unique in its approach to bring in peace and happiness to every individual, family and society. It introduces a new technique called the `equilibrium technique` to life management. Higher levels of peace and happiness can be enjoyed by anyone by practicing this technique, which is scientific and rational. By correcting the imbalances in the prosperity and adversity phases of life by self adjustment any individual can move on to higher levels of equilibrium; and peace and happiness. In every person`s life there are real problems and pseudo problems. `Life Management` is a systematic and rational approach to identify the real problems and solve them by scientific methods, encompassing Psychology, Sociology and Economics in the applied form with a Philosophical outlook. isbn-9788183874892

Pages : 124
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