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  Urban Navigations : Politics, Space and the City in South Asia

Urban Navigations : Politics, Space And The City In South Asia

by Jonathan Shapiro Anjaria, Colin Mcfarlane

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 845.75
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  This volume brings together an interdisciplinary and international range of established and emerging scholars working on the city in South Asia. It examines the diverse lived experiences of urban South Asia through a focus on contestations over urban space, resources and habitation, bringing together accounts from India, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. In contrast to accounts that attribute urban transformation mainly to neoliberal globalization, the book vividly demonstrates how neoliberalism in fact functions as just one of the many drivers of urban change. South Asian urban studies privilege a handful of cities, thus overlooking the great diversity, as well as commonalities, of urban experiences spanning the region. In addition to chapters on New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore, the book includes critical urban chapters on lesser studied cities such as Karachi, Kathmandu and Colombo. The articles provide not just a sense of the new forms of urbanism emerging in contemporary South Asia, but shed light on new theoretical possibilities and directions to make sense of transnational processes and urban change, insisting that a fresh look at contemporary changes in cities in South Asia requires careful consideration of the specificity of the city, as well as a comparative perspective. They are animated by actual experiences of the city rather than generalized theories of large-scale sociological processes

ISBN - 9780415617604

Pages : 360
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