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  Impact of Globalization on Indian Economy

Impact Of Globalization On Indian Economy

by P. Rajalingam

  Price : Rs 2100.00
  Your Price : Rs 1848.00
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  This book is the outcome of the various papers and abstracts presented and discussed during the national seminar on "Impact of Globalization on Indian Economy" organized by the Department of Commerce, SRR Govt. Degree & P.G. College, Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh. It critically analyzes the new developments and repercussions in the area of globalization with a special reference to agriculture, industries and services sectors. It includes select readings and case studies which are so necessary for proper understanding of the subject. The globalization and recent financial crisis has influenced the Indian Economy both positively and negatively. The global forces have crept into the agricultural, industrial and services sectors including production marketing, exports, outsourcing business as well as employment avenues. It has provided opportunities for free flow of capital and economic development and problem of disparities in income and wealth. The concepts discussed in this book will encompass the farm sector, production, capital flows, services, software and financial institutions & human resource factors etc., This book mainly focusses on recent development on the above said areas. It covered 53 Research Papers presented by the eminent personalities & Professors, administrators, Lecturers and Research Scholars including foreign based on various sectors supported by field data which will be useful to academicions, policy makers, as well as researchers. The views expressed by different authors are based on the findings of primary and secondary data. The research findings are also included. Contents 1. Impact of Globalization on Indian Economy 2. Impact of Economic Reforms on Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh 3. Green Marketing for Sustainable and Eco-friendly Products 4. Globalisation and Indian Agriculture 5. Impact of Globalization on Indian Insurance Market 6. Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on Banks and Financial System in India 7. Impact of FIIs on Indian Stock Market 8. Assessment of Agriculture Performance since 1950-51 9. Global Financial Crisis “ Information Technology (IT) Sector 10. Human Capital“It`s Importance in Organisation 11. Impact of Globalization on Indian Economy 12. Impact of Globalization on BPO Industry in India 13. Impact of Globalization on Indian Economy 14. Globalization and Indian Economy 15. Impact of Globalization“Tribal Agriculture Development 16. Insurance Market after Globalization: An Emerging Trend 17. Globalisation and India`s BPO Sector Emerging Opportunities and Challenges

ISBN 9788183874717

Pages : 583
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