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  Billions of Entrepreneurs: How China and India Are Reshaping Their Futures and Yours

Billions Of Entrepreneurs: How China And India Are Reshaping Their Futures And Yours

by Tarun Khanna

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 464.10
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  For the first time since the rise of Western capitalism, entrepreneurs in China and India can ignore New York and London—and still build companies worth billions. Thanks to social and economic revolutions, Asia has captured the best minds and money from all around the world.

In Billions of Entrepreneurs, Tarun Khanna uses on-the-ground stories and thorough research to show how China and India are embracing the world on their own distinct terms. Entrepreneurs are powering change through new business models and bringing hope to countless people. Through intriguing, often provocative comparisons of triumphs and travails in both countries, the author illuminates such critical areas as:

* The challenges of governing 2.4 billion people with entrepreneurial tendencies

* The need for information accessibility, transparency, and reliability

* The balance between private property rights and public interests

* The need to encourage and fund indigenous enterprise

* The role of overseas Chinese and Indians in development back home

* The rise of medical tourism and the inequality of health care

This book reveals how such differences will influence China’s and India’s future development as well as what the two countries can—and must—learn from each other today. A compelling account, Billions of Entrepreneurs paints a vivid picture of how China and India are reshaping business, politics, and society around the world.
ISBN - 0670081485/ 9780670081486

Pages : 368
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