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  Textbook on Heat Transfer, A (Fourth Edition)

Textbook On Heat Transfer, A (Fourth Edition)

by Sukhatme, S.P.

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 807.50
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  This classic text deals with the elementary aspects of heat transfer, with special emphasis on the fundamental laws so that the subject is perceived by the student as both a science and an art. The text is supported by a large number of solved examples. Each chapter contains many problems with answers provided at the end of the book.

The fourth edition is an expanded version of the earlier editions. It is written as a stand-alone text which can be read and understood by the student on his own. Thus, it contains many more explanatory passages, solved problems and figures to illustrate the text. Earlier editions of the book contained a number of figures from which values had to be used in order to solve certain types of problems. The present edition essentially eliminates the need for reading numerical values from graphs by giving appropriate equations. An added feature is the inclusion of a new chapter on mass transfer.isbn-9788173715440

Pages : 412
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