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  Modern Physics: Concepts and Applications

Modern Physics: Concepts And Applications

by Sanjiv Puri

  Price : Rs 675.00
  Your Price : Rs 675.00
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  Modern Physics: Concepts and applications introduces the fundamental concepts pertaining to the basic topics of relativity, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics along with the important sub-fields of physics, namely, atomic, nuclear and solid state physics. Besides, the technologically important topics of Superconductivity and Optoelectronics, Lasers and Nanoparticles also are introduced to a reasonable extent. The introduction of latest applications, alongwith already established ones, particularly those based on x-rays, lasers, radioactivity and condensed matter form a key feature of the book. Supported by 106 figures, 14 tables and about 100 solved problems, this text-book will be useful for B.Sc. and B.E/B. Tech. Students taking up Modern Physics course, as well as for those appearing in the National Education Test (NET) being conducted by UGC-CSIR and the A.M. I.E students

Pages : 390
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